Free event offers Angolan dance classes to commemorate African month

Kizomba Yetu Collective. Photo: Disclosure.

On 25 May celebrates Africa Day and, thinking about that, during the month of May, the collective Kizomba Yetu will hold two free and online classes in Angolan dances; the creator and coordinator of the project, Vanessa Dias, explains more details about the São Paulo initiative, May 2021 – To commemorate the … Read more

Debut “Objects in Networks” by choreographer Giselda Fernandes, 18/3, online of the Choreographic Center of Rio de Janeiro

Performance "Objetos em Redes" of choreographer Giselda Fernandes, featured. Photo: Thaís Almeida.

Federal Government, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro, through the Aldir Blanc Law present: Performance Network Objects by Giselda Fernandes, with eight dancers, Premiere 18 March, com transmissão ao vivo do Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro Giselda Fernandes é bailarinaRead more

Dance Intensive promotes immersion in different modalities

Orbital - Intensive Dances. Photo: Disclosure.

Independent initiative promotes immersion in different dance modalities in Brasilia, here comes the first edition of Orbital – Intensive of Dances Training show in the dance universe with classroom and online classes Where before it was for the practice and learning of Pole Dance, only, now Pole Voe Studio partners with … Read more

Registration open – Projeto Rota da Cultura starts online and free cultural workshops

Culture Route Project, poster - featured. Disclosure.

Check the details of the virtual concert meetings, Opera, dance and theater To welcome the arrival of 2021, the Sound Culture Route project, Cena e Corpo starts its activities from the day 18 January with free online workshops on the performing arts. With open enrollment, the meetings will take place until may, always … Read more

Free workshop offers online Angolan dances

Project “Cultural Exchange Brazil & Angola ”by the collective Kizomba Yetu. Photo: Disclosure.

The project “Intercportação Cultural Brasil & Angola ”by the collective Kizomba Yetu aims to promote and disseminate Angolan culture in Brazil, through workshops with local activities; the event will be held on the day 17 January, at 3pm Sao Paulo, January 2021 – Bringing cultural experiences from other countries is … Read more

Aldir Blanc Festival will have 15 artistic presentations this weekend in Embu das Artes

Aldir Blanc Festival, banner. Disclosure.

Continuing the Aldir Blanc Festival, in the next weekend, days 5 and 6 of december, the Secretariat of Culture of Embu das Artes will hold several free presentations of dance and music, em formato drive-in, in the space next to the Parque do Lago Francisco Rizzo (street Quinhaú, s/nº, Center). There will be fifteen attractions, being eleven … Read more


O Real Resiste - Auroras, Bilisco Group. Photo: Disclosure.

Fifty dancers from Rio de Janeiro from different areas of the city occupy squares in Rio in an urban art project. Divided into five dance groups, they present choreographies that invite the public to reflect on the confinement of the body. Presentations take place on the days 6, 7, 8, 11 and 14 November, at dawn, in five areas … Read more

Funarte Art Notice Everywhere, by Rosângela Vig

Funarte via Portal Editais e Afins. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: The National Arts Foundation - Funarte, through Editarte Funarte Arte Everywhere, will reward 494 video workshops that encourage practices and thinking aimed at the visual arts, circus, dance, theater and music. The workshops should be of a technical nature and be recorded on videos … Read more

Casa Hoffmann launches free distance learning courses and promotes virtual meetings

Hoffmann House. Photo: Disclosure.

Weekly program of activities starts next Tuesday and continues until July Two free dance courses will be offered virtually, from next tuesday (19/5), by the Cultural Foundation (FCC) and the Curitiba Institute of Art and Culture (ICAC). Those interested should access the Casa Hoffmann website – the platform created to unify the actions … Read more

Cris Sybilla - “Dance, poetic language of the body”, by Juliana Vannucchi

Cris Sybilla, featured. Photo: Silvio Kronbauer.

“Dance is the poetic language of the body. I couldn't define it any other way. In its construction process, the practice of dance can bring numerous benefits to an individual's life.” Cris Sybilla Cris, when did you realize that dance would be such an important and indispensable part of your existence? Usually, … Read more
