Brazilian animation short can compete for Oscar 2021

Short film "Umbrella", featured. Photo: personal collection and Youtube reproduction.

Brazilian animator, André Fellipe, says that having a Brazilian production in the competition is already a gain for everyone who works in the country's animation industry A Brazilian animation short film can compete for the Oscars 2021. The Umbrella production was the only one of its kind to be nominated for the dispute for the figurine in March of this year. … Read more

Author releases short film of his own book

Book: "Vazio da Foma", cover - featured. Disclosure.

Militant of LGBTQIA + causes, national author seeks representation in book and raises reflections on depression With stories written since childhood, through poetry, Andrew Oliveira had the opportunity to launch his first book as a teenager, where he brings together his verses and stanzas in the collection called Santuário. However, was due to the story of “Vazio da … Read more