Solar shows will have two weeks of free dance performances

A strong free dance program will happen between days 27 October to 11 November, at Casa Hoffmann - Movement Studies Center, in the Largo da Ordem. The cultural space, that since April this year has encouraged new forms of body language, Solar receives Shows. O projeto traz sete artistasRead more

Sylvio Back is honored by 50 years of the movie Major Lance

Celebrated filmmaker Sylvio Back, who completed 81 years and has conducted 38 movies, It is being presented twice in October. His film Lance Maior, supplementing 50 years, appears in the Curitiba Cinematheque, This Wednesday (24/10), programming that begins at 18h with the launch of the book The Making of a Filmmaker: Sylvio Back … Read more

Heritage Education Workshop for Training Citizen Conscious at the Museum Alfredo Andersen

Alfredo Andersen Museum receives, on Friday, day 19 October, to 14H:30min, the Heritage Education Workshop Conscious Citizen Training, given by architects Ivilyn Weigert and Renato Barbizan. Architects explore during the workshop memory concepts, Heritage, identidade e bens culturais e museologia para dialogar com o público sobre a éticaRead more

Curitiba launches project that creates spaces for traveling circuses

The Municipality of Curitiba launches next Thursday (11/10), at 14:30 in Barigui Park, a unique program in the country. The city will rely on the "Circus Square", project to provide free appropriate public spaces to receive itinerant circus companies, providing comfort and safety for the public and artists. "The Circus Square, program of … Read more

Urban rhythms take care of Cleon Jacques Theater with Demystify Your Dance

from Wednesday (03/10) to sunday (07/10), the Cleon Jacques Theater receives the second edition of Demystify Your Dance. The event brings together artists in Curitiba and street dance researchers to experience, reflect the urban dances and their different realities. To shake the ground brings the event Curitiba, to-face and novel way, representantes daRead more

City Hall launches new edicts of the Municipal Culture Fund

The City launched on Tuesday (02/10) new notices of the Municipal Fund of Culture in various artistic fields, the total amount of R$ 665 thousand to contract 39 projects. The notices with all the information are available here. With these are 17 Fund notices launched in 2018, total investment of about R $ 5 million … Read more

Workshop Historical and Cultural heritage in the Museum Alfredo Andersen

Alfredo Andersen Museum receives, on Friday, day 05 October, to 13 hours, workshop General Concepts Historical-Cultural Heritage, taught by artist and restorer Tatiana Zanelatto. The workshop aims to raise public awareness through the themes Culture, Heritage, natural resources, cultural property the relationship with the history and cultural heritage. Esta oficinaRead more

Feeding with music: children discover the sounds of an orchestra

This week begins the program with Feeding Music Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. There will be two daily performances for children from public schools, associations and members of the set design, musicalization, reaching about 1.800 curitibinhas and 43 institutions. The didactic concerts, structured scenic and educational way, take place in the Santa Maria Chapel on Tuesday (2/10) … Read more

Cintia Moscovich is the guest of this year's Literary Paiol

The Brazilian writer and journalist, MA in Literary Theory, Cintia Moscovich, participates on Tuesday (2/10), the Paiol Literary. Chat, mediated by journalist and writer Roger Pereira, It begins at 19:30, in the theater of the Armory, with free entry. Started in 2006, It will be the ninth season of the project, conducted by the newspaper Draft, com patrocínio da Caixa EconômicaRead more

Parish of Campo de Santana neighborhood receives Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba

Another edition of the project "Concert in the churches" of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba happens this Thursday (27), at 8:0 pm, in the Parish of St. Anne. In this presentation, classic works from various periods will be performed by the Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba, the Group Camerata, and musical direction by Francisco Freitas. O concerto é aberto ao público eRead more