Photographic Call for Collective Isolation in Latin America, by Rosângela Vig

Harvard Latin American Studies Center David Rockefeller (DRCLAS). Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: The Harvard Center for Latin American Studies David Rockefeller (DRCLAS) has open registration for renowned artists and photojournalists for the next digital exhibition Documenting the Impact of Covid-19 through photography: Collective Isolation in Latin America. The competition aims to create a critical visual record of our … Read more

Innovative Program invests in Cultural Heritage – Matchfunding BNDES +

Selarón Staircase. Photo: Disclosure.

2ª EDITION OF THE MATCHFUNDING BNDES + CULTURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM WILL INVEST UNTIL 2,4 MILLIONS IN PROJECTS FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE MATERIALS AND IMMATERIALS FROM ALL COUNTRY 10/08, innovative announcement via matchfunding with BNDES financing, é o resultado de uma parceria do banco com a SITAWI Finanças do Bem e da plataforma de crowdfunding Benfeitoria. In … Read more

“The Vortex”

The Vortex - immersive installation and video art by Vicente Martos.

The Immersive Installation will be available for free on an online platform. The Vortex is a form that is unique in water or air, starting point for the show that became an immersive installation, under the conception of Vicente Martos. With art direction by Vinicius Dantas, “O Vórtice” was on its way to debut in a physical space, but due … Read more

Inspired by Ingmar Bergman, the immersive play ‘As Words from Our House’ gets an online version and quite different on the Zoom platform

Actors Glau Gurgel Adriana Camara and Gizelle Menon. Photo: Zoom capture.

Adriana House direction, the show of the Immersion Theater Nucleus made a season at Casa das Rosas with all the sessions full. Virtual season opens on the day 18 de July Audience success at Casa das Rosas, the immersive show “As Palavras da Nossa Casa”, of the Immersion Theater Center, had its season interrupted … Read more

Sérgio Franco Medicina Diagnóstica and Ancar Ivanhoe offer Drive-Thru for COVID-19 tests

Sérgio Franco Medicina Diagnóstica and Ancar Ivanhoe offer Drive-Thru for COVID-19 tests. Photo: Disclosure.

With prior scheduling and without leaving the car it is possible to perform tests for COVID-19 in the Nova América shopping malls, Botafogo Beach, Madureira and Boulevard Rio de Janeiro, July 2020 – To ensure even more convenience for patients, Sérgio Franco Medicina Diagnóstica, which integrates Dasa, set up drive-thru posts for COVID-19 tests in the … Read more

Fiction book narrates romance during the Olympic Games in 2020 without the presence of COVID-19

Book “Tokio 2020” by Ane Forcato. Disclosure.

Written in 2019, book stands out when narrating a novel set in the Olympic Games of 2020 in Tokyo without the new Coronavirus pandemic With the COVID-19 pandemic, many events that would be held in 2020 have been canceled or postponed following WHO recommendations; this is the case with the olympic games, that this year … Read more

COVID-19: With the increase in suicide cases, illustrator launches book against depression

I Bittencourt. Photo: Disclosure.

With the increase in suicide deaths among young people 15 to 29 years, Io Bittencourt's book brings short phrases and illustrations to help depressed people The numbers of suicide deaths are constantly increasing in the world, and despite this reality, when someone touches on the subject he is charged with mysteries behind a … Read more

Museum of Art of Rio - MAR launches program of Escola do Olhar Online

Belmiro de Almeida - Black young woman figure, the 1880. Photo: Daniela Paoliello.

Proposal is to present to the public a new form of mediation in the virtual environment, with accessibility features, and revisit educational and training activities prioritizing dialogue More than 100 days since the Museum of Art of Rio - MAR, under the Institute's management Odeon, closed its doors to the public due to the pandemic … Read more

National Exhibition of Paper Mill Arts Brazil 35 years by Rosângela Vig

National Exhibition of Arts on paper Moinho Brasil 35 years, invitation. Disclosure.

There are millions of affectionate stars in space, Within reach of your eyes… but conjectures Those you don't see, igneous and unknown roses, Visiting at the furthest height. (BILAC, 1997, p.84) Art is made a tireless star, who spends an entire night shining bright. The daring look goes through the night, hurried on … Read more

How to decorate your office and make your home office more productive

How to decorate your office and make your home office more productive. Photo: Business photo created by -

The public and economic health crisis triggered by the new coronavirus, the Covid-19, demanded compliance with social isolation measures, according to WHO recommendations (World Health Organization). With this, many people had to decorate office, rooms and other home environments, for the new home office routine. after all, with the closure … Read more