[Covid-19] – APTR REPORT on PL 1075 for Actions for the Culture Industry

Sala São Paulo. Photo: Stefan Schmeling.

PL REPORT 1075 will implement emergency actions for the Cultural Sector, during the state of public calamity Postponed to next Tuesday, 26 de Mayo, the vote on the Cultural Emergency PL, as the first agenda of the day. This agreement was tailored by the project rapporteur, Federal Deputy Jandira Feghali, o Presidente da Câmara RodrigoRead more


Expon_line, Flyer. Disclosure.

Virtual exhibition of artists from the Federal District values ​​artistic work and allocates part of the collection, with the sale of the works, for charity Amid the pandemic caused by the New Coronavirus, artistic and cultural practice has proved to be important allies when it comes to minimizing the negative effects of social isolation, such as … Read more

Oscar D´Ambrosio – “The importance of social networks for artists in time of confinement”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Oscar D´Ambrosio. Photo: Disclosure.

Check out Oscar D´Ambrosio's tips to succeed in your social media posts. TIPS Six tips for the artist to deal with social networks in times of confinement. Words like novo coronavirus, COVID-19 and pandemic recently entered our vocabulary. Confinement was associated with prisons, never to stay … Read more

Vanessa Fuzatti - “Psychology and Art in times of pandemic”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Psychologist Vanessa Fuzatti. Photo: Disclosure.

At this time, where all cultural spaces and activities are public or private, where artists in all forms of expression of art and culture find themselves without the momentary possibility of publicizing their works and activities, I have noticed through conversations with artist friends the growing concern regarding the return of all … Read more

Casa Hoffmann launches free distance learning courses and promotes virtual meetings

Hoffmann House. Photo: Disclosure.

Weekly program of activities starts next Tuesday and continues until July Two free dance courses will be offered virtually, from next tuesday (19/5), by the Cultural Foundation (FCC) and the Curitiba Institute of Art and Culture (ICAC). Those interested should access the Casa Hoffmann website – the platform created to unify the actions … Read more

Notice for the 10th edition of the 3M Art Exhibition is an opportunity for artists from all over the country

9ª 3M Art Show. Photo: André Velozo.

Registration takes place from 20 April to 18 de Mayo, and can be made on behalf of individuals over 18 years or artistic collectives. For the first time, the event, which is already part of the cultural calendar of the city of São Paulo, will be held at Ibirapuera São Paulo Park, April 2020 – … Read more

E-Dinner Online Theater Show

E-Dinner Online Theater Show, card - featured. Disclosure.

Programming 08 to 10 May Dinners, music, lives, chats, Testimonials, theatrical content and expressions on the internet All weekends in May, from sixth to sunday, at various determined times, “E-CENA” happens, SHOW ONLINE THEATER ". One of the festival's goals is to get out of the “theater bubble” and expand, … Read more

Last days: "SPRAY DO BEM", Street Art artists mobilize in the fight against Covid-19

Campaign launched in early April has already collected more than a ton of food to be donated to the homeless. The action is a partnership with the Red Cross. Launched in early April, a campanha “SPRAY DO BEM”, idealizada pelas galerias Casa Jacarepaguá e Galeria Crua, closes in the first week of May. … Read more

Portuguese Language Museum celebrates Portuguese Language Day with virtual programming

Between the days 3 and 5 de Mayo, cultural program will bring ‘lives’ music, literature meetings, workshops and conversations with authors from Portuguese-speaking countries Among the attractions is a dance performance recorded inside the empty museum; presentation by the Portuguese duo Fado Bicha; DJing by Angolan Kalaf Epalanga and ‘slam’ conducted by Roberta Estrela d’Alva … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

The #CulturaemCasa project, created by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo and Instituto Amigos da Arte, provides cultural content during the quarantine. The Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo created the campaign together with the Instituto Amigos da Arte #CulturaemCasa, with complete materials available … Read more