Polish community celebrates Christmas in the woods of the Pope

The traditional "Jaselka", Christmas festivity of Polish community, will be held next Sunday (3/12), from 12:00 to 6:00 pm, at the Memorial of Polish Immigration – Woods of Pope. In addition to the typical lunch, There will be performances by folk groups and the staging of auto Polish Christmas. Vários quiosques estarão vendendo comidas e produtos típicos natalinos a partirRead more

Exhibition at the Memorial presents drawings of capital of Poland

Stolice Strona, Tadeusz Cock. Photo: Disclosure.

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, in partnership with the Consulate General of Poland, opens this Wednesday (9), at 19h, in Curitiba Memorial, the exhibition "Stolice Polski – Polish Capital", bringing together a series of 70 pen drawings of the Polish artist Tadeusz Kurek. A abertura da exposição terá como atrações o CoralRead more