Exhibition of Visual Arts "Excuse me I'm going to fight" by Rosangela Vig

I am the woman to whom the time Very taught. Taught to love life. Don't give up the fight. Start over in defeat. Waive negative words and thoughts. Believe in human values. Be optimistic. (CORALINA, 2004, p. 132) The words would not be enough to describe the woman who was our dear Cora Coralina. Its verses are of … Read more

Group exhibition the Cry of the Innocent by Rosangela Vig

My hands the bakeries… Never idle. Fruitful. Vast and busy. Laborious hands. Open always to give, Help, together and bless (CORALINA, 2004, p. 218) Built by the hands of our great Cora Coralina, poetry speaks to us of the hands full in your daily deals, tireless. The same hands, a simple gesture, offer, bless and protect. And, and the … Read more

“Environment in full” by Rosângela Vig

Artenavida Group offers entire Environment. Invitation, featured. Disclosure.

I am the earth, I am the life. My boat first came the man. From me came the woman and came the love. Came the tree and came to source. The fruit comes and the flower comes. I am the original source of all life. I am the floor that attaches to your House. … Read more

Exhibition “Popular Picture” in SESC Belenzinho by Rosangela Vig

The walls covered with paper, Design of Cherubim, holding cornucopia and ties, Portraits of ancestors, solemn, strutting, People of dantes. (CORALINA, p. 61, 2004) Only a poetic look could describe an ancient mansion, so beautiful. In this short excerpt of poetry, Cora Coralina (1889-1985) speak to us of ancient times, whose portraits pale, slowly, … Read more