Solar art gallery presents in front of the unknown: the Other

The art gallery will promote Solar for free, from 1st of June, in Copacabana, Unknown to face exposure: the Other, a joint production with the Noble House 182. Curated by Mila Pavan, André Sheik and Patricia Wagner and coordination of Osvaldo Centeno, 12 artistas refletem sobre as possíveis feições assumidas pelo “desconhecido”Read more

Ewan Macdonald, daughter of Latin, shows talent as an actress in play

Ewan Macdonald. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Ewan Macdonald, Latin singer's daughter with Cristina Attorney, made your debut as a television actress in soap opera Rock Story, the Globe, and now shows your talent in play "mayfly", that ended the first season on "Ramp Space, Place of Creation ", in Copacabana, in Rio de Janeiro, e realizará em breveRead more

Exhibition Rossini Perez: The cube in addition form

A landmark work in the career of writer potiguar is the motto of the exhibition Rossini Perez: The addition of the cube ", the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/Ibram/MinC opens day 16 de Mayo, at 12:00, in room Lebreton. The beginning of the artistic career of Rossini Perez in Rio de Janeiro dates back to the 1950, When … Read more

Exhibition “Pizza” Gustavo Rebello Arte in

“PIZA” Gustavo Rebello Arte receives an exhibition that brings together works from various eras by the plastic artist Arthur Luiz Piza and reveals a part of his studio in Paris De 27 September to 21 October 2016 Gustavo Rebello Arte Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8, Copacabana Tel: 2548-6163 From Monday to Friday, from 12:00 to … Read more

Solar art gallery presents the exhibition "through the looking glass"

Solar Art Gallery will promote, from 15 September, in Copacabana, the exhibition "through the looking glass". With 14 artists, curated by Isabel Sanson Portella and Keyur Benedicto and coordination of Osvaldo Centeno, the show takes us on a journey from the mirror, going through it, e nos traz seus reflexos eRead more


Rio Othon Palace will host artists performing on one of the most important stages in the country The Othon Hotels Network announced cultural support for the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. From now on, os artistas que se apresentam em um dos mais tradicionais e respeitados teatros do mundo passamRead more

Like, The beach takes The show Marchistas and promotes wellness activities in the Kiosk of the Globe

Free project the network happens in the day 27 February, Saturday, from 9am The Short, The beach is going to invade once again Globe kiosk, in Copacabana, with a free programming that includes volleyball classes, footvolley, Football, Zumba, Wellness activities, like yoga and stretching, e ações esportivas com as Confederações OlímpicasRead more

Young Afternoons presents Redneck Faction show

Band participates in the next edition of the day project 28 February, Sunday, às 17h, no Quiosque da Globo O Quiosque da Globo vai ser palco de mais uma atração do Jovens Tardes – projeto da Globo que leva ao público novos talentos da música brasileira – no dia 28 February, Sunday, from … Read more

OLiberato pop sound animates the Young public Evenings in Copacabana

Globe project leads the singer to the Kiosk of the Globe the day 21 February, Sunday, às 17h O Quiosque da Globo vai ser palco da apresentação de mais uma revelação do Jovens Tardes – projeto da emissora que leva ao público novos talentos da música brasileira. On 21 February, Sunday, from … Read more

Ulálá Balancê Block, the Alliance Française, and Carmelite Block perform partnership and parade in Copacabana on the Saturday of Carnival

Saturday, 6 February, from 14 hours Concentration near Copacabana Fort (in front of the Hotel Sofitel) Parade: At 15 hours. Output of the Post 6 the street Figueiredo de Magalhães, location of the dispersion, at 18h. O Ulalá Balancê chega ao seu nono ano com uma super novidade: agora o bloco daRead more