Son of Amílcar de Castro, Rodrigo de Castro opens solo show with new production on the day 8 August

Work of Rodrigo de Castro: Photo: Denise Andrade and Cynthia Zilma.

Rodrigo de Castro: Between Shapes and Colors” For the first time, artist presents steel sculptures with automotive paint, plus recent screens, at the Patricia Costa Gallery, curated by Vanda Klabin Known for his precise brushstrokes that explore the color field with geometric lines, Rodrigo de Castro allowed himself to transit, for the first time in his career, … Read more

“Copacabana Vênus” exhibition by Raphaël Blum at the Calouste Gulbenkian Arts Center (RJ)

Raphael Blum, Daniella, River - 2016.

The portraits made on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, between 2015 and 2018, honor the various forms of female beauty. Whether they are cariocas, paulistas, people from Buenos Aires and Parisians, want to show off their bodies covered in butterflies, dragons or other animal figures, young women meet in Copacabana, in the prestigious site of Guanabara Bay, one … Read more

Launch of Esther Moreira's art book in Copacabana

Launch of the book "Esther Moreira - Interior Landscapes", Flyer - featured. Disclosure.

A posthumous tribute to the legacy of visual artist Esther Moreira from Rio de Janeiro. This is the aim of the art book “Interior Landscapes”, organized by the artist's brother, Nelson Junior, which will be released on the 1st of April, Saturday, at the Revigorante Café, in Copacabana, from 5 pm. Esther Moreira (1958-2015) built his artistic career in … Read more

“Inserções” at Patrícia Costa Gallery

Insertion 47 - 160x220 by Adriano Mangiavacchi. Photo: Disclosure.

Adriano Mangiavacchi completes more than 40 years of trajectory and exhibits new works in 1982, Italian artist Adriano Mangiavacchi had his first solo show at Parque Lage. Four decades later, he presents recent and unpublished works in the exhibition “Inserções”, that opens the day 8 of december, at the Patricia Costa Gallery, in Copacabana, IS in the day … Read more

Paiva Brazil – “playful”

Paiva Brazil, red, Blue, green and purple - 40x81cm - 2021. Photo: Disclosure.

Galeria Patrícia Costa pays posthumous tribute to the artist, on display that opens on September 1st Synthetic and eloquent, the most recent works produced by Paiva Brasil, during the last two years that he was isolated in his atelier, were reduced to a few shapes and a few colors, bringing a synthesis of their work … Read more


Gilvan Nunes, Beatrice, 2021, wall ceramics. Measures: 3. 46 x 30 x 30 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Based in the United States, Gilvan Nunes opens solo exhibition curated by Fernando Cocchiarale at Galeria Patricia Costa “The path always ends up converging”, defined Gilvan Nunes when talking about oil paintings, drawings, ceramics and porcelains that he presents in the individual “Hilomorfismos”, from day 14 July, after a hiatus of 5 years without … Read more

Ana Durães, Monica Barki, Ana Luiza Rego and Nelly Gutmacher at the press conference “The”

Ana Luiza Rego, work "E=mc2", technique: Oil and oil pastel on linen, dimensions: 120 x 180 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

“As – Durães Rego Barki Gutmacher” Artists inaugurate a group show in the new space at Galeria Patricia Costa, curated by Sonia Salcedo del Castillo Ana Durães, Ana Luiza Rego, Monica Barki and Nelly Gutmacher exhibit their works at Galeria Patricia Costa, from day 24 March. The collective “The – Durães Rego Barki Gutmacher” presents … Read more

Esther Bonder exhibits unpublished works in “Eva's Wedding”

Inflorescences, Esther Bonder. Photo: Gabi career.

Sensory show is on display at Galeria Márcia Barrozo do Amaral from 1st to 26 March Inspired by the text by writer Nilton Bonder entitled Eva's Wedding, that elucidates issues of human relations from Adam and Eve – in particular on clothing and “sets” that Eva would have at her wedding -, … Read more

musical performances in the Premier Wine have fixed grid

Singer-songwriter Giovana Adoracion becomes part of the Premier Wine Team, of Niterói, the Center of Rio de Janeiro and Copacabana. The artist will make fixed performances starting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Every Thursday the musical presentation will be in store from downtown Rio to 19h, on Fridays … Read more

Solar Art Gallery opens the exhibition 'Play'

Solar Art Gallery, NGO Solar Meninos de Luz, promote free, from 04 October, the exhibition "Play". Curated by André Sheik and Jorge Sayão and coordination Osvaldo Carvalho, the new exhibition features four artists who make art in a fun way. The proposal is to show that making art is … Read more