Oscar-nominated screenwriter gives course at Cine Walk Saturday

On the day that marks one month of the opening of Cine Tour, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter, Braulio Mantovani opens a series of master classes scheduled for this year in the cultural space. The course will be made on Saturday (27/4), às 10h, e pretende discutir a importância do roteiro no êxito de uma produção cinematográfica e também abrirRead more

John Uchôa Film course receives novelist blockbuster TV Globo

The attraction will be open to the public and completely free with the aim of bringing the great professionals of Cinema and TV of its student body and teachers, Francisco Malta - Cinema course coordinator of Estacio – Rosane invited Svartman – novelista de grande sucesso da TV Globo – para ministrar palestra sobreRead more

Introduction to the History and Language of Cinema

Content. The film is great art that emerged in the late twentieth century and which constituted true expression of human culture. Therefore, it is important to know the language and techniques that characterize the cinematic experience. Referring to view film clips that marked its beginning, o cinema se apresenta comoRead more

5 tips to become a successful filmmaker

O filmmaker, new concept of filmmakers, Gabriel Queiroz, Concept creator "We Go Film", gives five tips for those who want to start or improve a career as a film producer for film, TV, eventos ou plataformas digitais Apesar da crise financeira no Brasil, the audiovisual market in the country continues to grow, tanto noRead more

Verve Gallery inaugurates individual Luisa Malzoni

“Eye d`Água "presents the results of extensive research on ancient techniques of photography and film, with works created from handmade printing processes of the nineteenth century The Verve Gallery closes its exhibition calendar 2018 with individual “d`Água eye“, da artista visual Luisa Malzoni, sob curadoria de Ian Duarte Lucas. The … Read more

Miguel de Cervantes Cultural Center has free session historical films

This week the Cultural Center Cervantes, Spain Square, will show from 14h, Two Spanish films with historical theme. The films are shown in the fourth (28/11) and Thursday (29/11). After the screening of each film there will be discussion with the mediator Ana Paula Vaz. On Wednesday (28/11), será apresentado oRead more

Chantal Akerman - Expanded Time

Hi Future opens unprecedented exhibition filmmaker CHANTAL AKERMAN work of Belgian director will occupy the entire cultural center in Flamengo with video installations from 27 November. Mostra aproxima público brasileiro da estética singular da cineasta e de seu olhar sobre o universo feminino Consagrada internacionalmente, filmmaker Chantal Akerman (1950-2015) performed over … Read more

MONICA VITTI: IED São Paulo makes exhibitions in honor of Italian film diva

A photo exhibition and art works on paper miniatures of large movie costumes can be visited, from 20 October to 11 November at the headquarters of the International College São Paulo design, October 2018 – O Instituto Europeu de Design – IED São Paulo apresenta uma mostra dupla em homenagem à sétimaRead more

Sylvio Back is honored by 50 years of the movie Major Lance

Celebrated filmmaker Sylvio Back, who completed 81 years and has conducted 38 movies, It is being presented twice in October. His film Lance Maior, supplementing 50 years, appears in the Curitiba Cinematheque, This Wednesday (24/10), programming that begins at 18h with the launch of the book The Making of a Filmmaker: Sylvio Back … Read more

The Four Secrets to start a career as an actor or actress

Actress and producer Priscilla Olyva talks about the kickoff, challenges and tips for entering an artistic career. The arts fascinated people since the world began. Who has not found himself admiring a novel character, cinema or theater, for acting, pela figura ou pela energia cativante de um atorRead more
