Mostra CineCidades brings films that bet on the plurality of the city of Rio de Janeiro

CineCidades exhibition. Disclosure.

Mostra CineCidades brings a contemporary and plural look to new directors about the city of Rio de Janeiro. Part of the schedule 2021 do Rolé Carioca - a multifaceted platform of culture and knowledge about the city - Mostra CineCidades brings an overview of the audiovisual narratives that deal with the city of Rio de Janeiro from … Read more

William Wisnik minister Space lecture at work: city, art, architecture

At the meeting which takes place in the Ema House Museum Klabin, William Wisnik address intriguing questions involving art and architecture. The architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, William Wisnik, Minister the next day 31 August, Saturday, from 11h to 13h, a palestra “Espaço em obra: city, art, architecture". O encontro aconteceRead more