'Universe Maori in Nanjing' in Flamengo

By 15 of december, Pâmella Louize exhibits several engravings at the Visitors Center Monumento Estácio de Sá Approximately 30 works of artist Pâmella Louize Sedge Silva can be checked in the exhibition "Universe Maori in Nanjing". They were made freehand in ink under canson and digitally reproduced in engravings, inspired dash and Maori culture. O evento gratuito está em cartaz no Centro de Visitantes Monumento Estácio deRead more

"I do not I lied" is the next free exhibition Visitor Center Estacio de Sa Monument

Rio de Janeiro - September 2019 - The show "I do not Menti" appears free of the day 28 September to 3 November, from 9:0 to 5:0 pm, at the Visitor Center Monument Estacio de Sa, located at Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, s/n subsolo – Flamengo Park. André Coutinho is responsible for the works … Read more


Bia Miranda presents the exhibition "Art of Hunger" 2nd edition, 3No. circuit and, shows the end of the, the works will be auctioned for the benefit of people with microcephaly and rare syndromes Rio de Janeiro, until day 10 March, os moradores do Rio e os turistas que visitam a nossa cidade poderão conferir a ExposiçãoRead more

Estacio supports exhibition "Solidarity in Art: Focus on Education "

The paintings will be auctioned to benefit children with cancer institutions, microcefalias, among other syndromes Rio de Janeiro - July 2018 – A Estácio – um dos maiores e mais respeitados grupos do setor educacional do Brasil – oferece aos amantes da arte a exposição gratuita “Solidariedade na Arte: Focus on Education ". A mostra podeRead more