IV Festival of storytellers of the CCBB Rio de Janeiro Education celebrates the week of the child and the 26 years of the CENTRO CULTURAL BANCO DO BRASIL

From 10 to 12 October Saturday and Sunday: of 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday: from 10:00 to 5:00 pm. Free Entry Distribution of passwords: 30minutes before the activities, by the CCBB Educational on the ground floor. There are many ways to terminate a narration. Mathematical forms as “Entered by the duck's beak, left foot cock, quem quiser queRead more

CCBB Rio performs "viradão" the exhibition Picasso and the Spanish Modernity

CCBB Rio performs "viradão" the exhibition Picasso and the Spanish Modernity between 5 and 6 September, last weekend of the season, the show will remain open for 36 extended hours. The Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil (CCBBs Rio) will promote a “viradão” on the last weekend of the Picasso season and … Read more

“Kandinsky: It all starts at a point” by Rosângela Vig

Kandinsky: It all starts at a point O blue, the Blue rose, rose and fell. The pointed, the thin hissed and made intruder, but not the spearing. In every corner the thing resonated The thick brown was suspended apparently for all eternity. Apparently. Apparently. (KANDINSKY, 1991, p.163) It may be that the colors whispered … Read more

“Picasso and the Spanish modernity” no CCBB Rio

“Picasso and the Spanish modernity” The CCBB Rio Wednesday (24), The CCBB Rio opens to the public the exhibition Picasso and the Spanish modernity. The show brings together 90 works of the Reina Sofía Museum, that offer to the Brazilian audience different approaches on contributions from the founder of Cubism and his contemporaries to the international art scene. … Read more

Lucas Guimaraes and Fernando Pacheco invite for the book launch: 33,333 – Bilateral Connections

Lucas Guimaraes and Fernando Pacheco invite for the book launch: 33,333 – Bilateral Day Connections 16/04, Thursday 19h Coffee With Letters Banco do Brasil Cultural Center Praça da Liberdade, 450 – Officials In Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: . [Google] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE obrasdarte.com: Artists … Read more

Last week the exhibition Salvador Dalí in Rio CCBBs by Adriane Constant

Last week the exhibition Salvador Dalí in Rio CCBBs by Adriane Shows Constant has received more than 800 thousand visitors, going ahead of major exhibitions of the artist performed last year in Europe. At the weekend, The cultural center will open at 9am on Saturday and only close to 21h Sunday, By staying open 36 hours … Read more