Reading homes have activities that celebrate women's week

To celebrate International Women's day (8 March), the programming of the houses of reading next week will be all dedicated to women poets and writers, as well as the works that depict the feminine universe. The Curitiba Cultural Foundation units prepared reading circles with different approaches to the presence of women … Read more

Reading houses have programming during the holidays from January

Reading houses keep their programming for children during the holidays, in the month of January, providing numerous choices of literary activities. This week, till Friday, Casa reading Walmor Marcelino, Surrounded in the neighborhood Site, will have storytelling sessions of children's stories. Rodas de Leitura também estão programadas nas Casas da Leitura PauloRead more

Reading houses have special programming on black Awareness Month

The coordination of the Foundation of the religious literature of Curitiba has prepared a special programming for the month of black consciousness and diversity in reading Houses until the day 26 November. Among the activities directed towards children and adolescents are storytelling, wheels of reading and showing films. Within the Reading Garden Eucalyptus, … Read more