Bella Janela specialist gives tips on how to clean the curtains in your home

Innovate Duplex Monaco Barrada - Aluminum Color. Photo: Bella Window Curtains.

Tatiana Hoffmann, product manager at Bella Janela, points out the importance of care to preserve the duration of the items Did you know that sanitizing your products correctly helps to maintain their quality? Thinking about it, Tatiana Hoffmann, product manager at Bella Janela, cast 7 dicas sobre todo o processo de lavagem de cortinasRead more

Industrial style in the kitchen: how to apply the concept in decoration

Industrial style in the kitchen: how to apply the concept in decoration. Photo: Imagem de vanitjan no Freepik.

Meet 5 fundamental points for your space to have the charm of contemporary elegance The new industrial style decoration trend has reached one of the most important environments in Brazilian homes. The kitchen, in addition to representing a space for connection and meeting between residents, tem um papel significativo nos projetos de decoração. Not … Read more

See which decor matches your personality

See which decor matches your personality. Image from on Freepik.

Choosing the perfect decor is always a challenge., being necessary to raise a series of questions even before doing something simple like painting a wall. which color to choose? what brand of paint? Should I use two shades? E as perguntas não param de crescer na medida em que novas escolhas precisam ser feitas paraRead more

Decorating programs inspire home ideas

Decorating programs inspire home ideas. Image of master1305 on Freepik.

The materials displayed can be starting points or perspectives for those who want to change the air of their property.. Whether with a simple overhaul of visual details or an innovative interior design proposal, os programas de decoração inspiram ideias para mudanças e transformações. Trazendo histórias reais de reformas e decoração de diversos ambientesRead more

Crochet: learn to use it inside your home

Crochet: learn to use it inside your home. Photo: Crochet photo created by frimufilms -

Are you also one of those people who have doubts about how to use crochet in decoration?? Although this is a very common craft, the crochet still creates impasses when inserting in the decoration, porque na maioria dos casos as peças são ricas em cores e detalhes que ficam difíceis de combinar com o restante daRead more

Urban Jungle: discover this new decoration concept

Urban Jungle: discover this new decoration concept. Photo: Capricious Wayfarer (saptarshi).

Urban Jungle is a decoration concept that is growing more and more within this segment.. As much as many people still don't know that it is about this term, most must have seen this type of decoration somewhere. In the last times, the world of decoration has completely changed, be … Read more
