Expressions of the Unconscious in the Dimitri Ganzelevitch Collection

Emma Valle, this creation, s.d., oil on canvas, 64 x 102 cm. Dimitri Ganzelevitch Collection. Photo: Disclosure.

Opening: Saturday, 29 July – the 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Open to the public Chat: from 4 pm to 5:30 pm (Eva Klabin House Museum auditorium) “Nise da Silveira, inscribed in the Book of Heroes and Heroines of the Homeland, pushed further the boundaries of madness. In the footsteps of Carl Jung, she gave people with disorders … Read more

In its 25th edition Projeto Respiração brings the “Indigenous Becoming” by award-winning artists Denilson Baniwa and Gustavo Caboco

Breathing Project brings the "Becoming Indigenous" at the Eva Klabin House Museum. Photo: Disclosure.

Curated by Marcio Doctors and Paula Alzugaray, the interventions that take over the Eva Klabin House Museum show the strong impulse of the new order of contemporary art The Eva Klabin House Museum opens 17 September (Saturday) from 5 pm, The 25th edition of the Respiration Project with the Indigenous Devir Exhibition, two winners … Read more

To celebrate with lots of culture and animation

Peter Miranda, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Complete Eva Klabin House Museum 27 years in August and publishes free programming, with several attractions in the days 13 and 20 August. on the first saturday, show de Pedro Miranda A Casa Museu Eva Klabin preparou uma programação especial para comemorar os 27 years of the museum, installed in the beautiful house located in the Lagoa neighborhood, … Read more

Lively holidays with workshops, jokes and a lot of culture

Cultural activities at the Eva Klabin House Museum. Photo: Disclosure.

In July, the Eva Klabin House Museum resumes the “Holidays at the Museum” project, with cultural and fun activities for children from 5 years and their families. The Eva Klabin House Museum, space with wide cultural diversity, installed in Lagoa, south zone of Rio de Janeiro, takes advantage of the July vacation to launch … Read more

Eva Klabin House Museum remembers the Modern Art Week of 1922 at a festival with songs of the time

Eva Klabin House Museum remembers the Modern Art Week of 1922, featured. Disclosure.

In the days 14, 15 and 21 de Mayo, at 7:00 pm, the cultural space will present the “Festival Vinte22”, with a musical program focused on the repertoire of Villa-Lobos, to Lagoa, south zone of carioca, the in-person concerts will take place on three dates in … Read more


Event "The Art of Collecting III", table. Disclosure.

Collection meeting series, heritage and art market The Eva Klabin House Museum offers, in the days 19 and 26 April and 03 and 09 de Mayo, at 8:0 pm, the event “The Art of Collecting III”, which includes a series of four meetings on collecting, heritage and art market. The action arises … Read more

April cultural activity at the Eva Klabin House Museum

Educational Activity – TRAVELS THROUGH THE KNOWN-UNKNOWN at the Eva Klabin House Museum, featured. Disclosure.

KNOWN-UNKNOWN Eva Klabin House Museum | Research workshop on indigenous cultures In the month of April, the Eva Klabin House Museum offers the public an activity that provokes reflections on the different cultures within the Brazilian territory, the “Known-Unknown” workshop. Her, participants are encouraged to travel through different indigenous cultures through photographs, … Read more

Concertinhos de Eva returns to in-person cultural programming in Rio and offers music and Brazilianness to children and young people

Eve concerts 2022. Disclosure.

Deborah Levy and Daniela Spielmann present “Estação Brasil: Music Festival”, Saturday, 26, in the garden of the Eva Klabin House Museum, in Lagoa The Eva Klabin House Museum opens on Saturday, 26 March, at 4:00 pm, the project “Eva Concertos – 2022”. Para abrir a série de concertos que serão realizados ao longo do ano, … Read more

Eva Klabin House Museum offers Vacation Program

Eva Klabin House Museum, vacations schedule. Photo: Disclosure.

Museu na Lagoa will promote artistic workshops throughout the month of January Casa Museu Eva Klabin offers, during the month of january, your already traditional holiday schedule, with the realization of workshops for children and adolescents and their families. The proposal is for participants to experience artistic making in a playful way, … Read more

Classical music directly from Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas throughout Brazil

Rosana Lanzelotte, featured. Photo: Camila Maia.

Created by Eva Klabin House Museum, cultural space in Rio de Janeiro, “Concertos de Eva” receives artist Rosana Lanzelotte for a recital in November with online broadcasting Cultural tip to note and save the date: the "Eve Concerts" is back! Sessions that extol the grace and lightness of classical music are … Read more