Exhibition at Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto

Rubens Gerchman na exposição "Século XX: Paper Works & quot;. Photo: Disclosure.

“twentieth century: Paper works”, with works of Brazilian artists of international relevance Starts this Tuesday, 30 March, broadcast at 8:30 pm on the Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto page on Facebook, the 20th century exhibition: Paper Works. A ‘live’ it will be a virtual tour through the works of the exhibition, complemented by video testimonials recorded with … Read more

Miriam Nigri Schreier exposure, the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto, is extended until visitation 29 September

The exhibition Imaginary Cities, by plastic artist Miriam Nigri Schreier, inaugurated the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto on the last day 7 August, had its end extended for another week, now the visitation will be open to visitors until Sunday 29 on Sep. The show features an intriguing set of thirty-three works, metade delesRead more

In “Imaginary cities”, exhibition at Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto, the artist Miriam Nigri Schreier presents works of his latest production

More than thirty years of professional activity. But Miriam Nigri Schreier remains in full creative activity, and with the same energy of youth. In 7 August it opens new solo exhibition, desta vez no espaço da Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto, in Santos. The show, which will be open to visitors until 22 on Sep, features … Read more

Exhibition “three Oceans” features sculptures of recent production Caciporé Torres

Despite his age, sculptor Caciporé Torres continues to produce with the rhythm and enthusiasm of a young artist. In 16 August it opens new solo exhibition in São Paulo, This presents three dozen works, most of them produced in the last two years. The show, that for ten days will be in … Read more

In the city's anniversary, Nilda Luz opens in Pateo do Collegio Exposure “Loving and Living Sao Paulo”

São Paulo in love with the city where he was born, stage throughout its existence, Nilda Luz pays homage to São Paulo with the solo exhibition Loving and Living Sao Paulo, open to visitors from 25 January. The exhibition takes place in Pateo do Collegio. A significant place of choice: there was born the city, there is 464 years, in 25 January … Read more

Ayao Okamoto in “Desdobras”, solo exhibition at Espaço Cultural Humanar

Ayao Okamoto back doing a solo exhibition in São Paulo! In shows, with the title Desdobras, the artist presents 45 works produced over the past five years, on various supports. Are paintings on canvas, paintings on paper, photography, Monotype and drawings. A exposição tem curadoria de Carlos Zibel e acontece no Espaço Cultural Humanar, at … Read more