Meeting # tide discusses the seven years of existence and the future of the Rio Art Museum

Event promoted by the Odeon Institute brought together great names in the afternoon of debates about the legacy and the next challenges of MAR On Wednesday afternoon, 12, Odeon Institute promoted the Rio Art Museum Meeting the tide #. The event brought together major names in the industry to celebrate the legacy of these SEA 7 years … Read more

Museum of Art receives Rio Mare Meeting #

Seminar sponsored by Odeon reflects on the legacy of MAR Institute along its 7 years of existence and promotes debate on the future of the Data museum: 12 de fevereiro às 15h Entrada gratuita O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR foi um presente para o Rio de Janeiro, inaugurado no dia doRead more

Universidade Candido Mendes performs free Lecture with Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco

EVENT MARKS NEW CLASS OF MBA IN MANAGEMENT OF MUSEUMS, HELD in PARTNERSHIP with MUSEU DE ARTE DO RIO-SEA according to National Museums (CNM), currently there are more than 3000 museums in Brazil. Form and specialized professionals to plan, gerenciar e garantir a sustentabilidade dentro na nova realidade da administraçãoRead more

Show Horace, directed by Carlos Gradim

Horácio Show with script and direction by Carlos Gradim presents an existentialist reflection on choices, finitude and destination 50% discount on ticket value for those who bring non-perishable food for donation of 1 kg. No jogo de espelhos que compõe o cenário de Horácio a pergunta “Quem é você?” ecoa o drama existencial queRead more