At the Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasília, exhibition of The Storytelling Carpets

Shows "The Storytelling Carpets 24 years old". Photo: Flávio Salgado.

CAIXA Cultural Brasília presents The Storytelling Carpets in a commemorative action to celebrate the International Day of the Portuguese Language (5 de Mayo), and National Language Day (21 de Mayo) Storytelling Carpets celebrate 24 years in a free exhibition filled with stories and world children's literature 7 to 22 … Read more

Historical curiosities of Public Libraries in DF are recorded in videos

Guará Public Library. Photo: Disclosure.

Sponsored by FAC – Support Fund DF Culture, Brasília was the anchor of chats with the participation of Brazilian illustrators for the project: Meetings with Illustrators Throughout 12 meetings, artists shared creative processes whose reach enhanced the reading habit and fostered the publishing market, objectives of the initiative. Initially designed for … Read more

For Fabiano de Abreu, the pain of loss eases with fond memories by Vanessa Scarcella

The psychologist Margie Holy Spirit Wagner comments on the author's conclusion In conclusion about feeling “pain of loss” described by the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu, posted in channel your thoughts in the form of sentence on Instagram @escritorfabianodeabreu, We must absorb the good experiences of living with what we lost to this “pain” not if … Read more

Brazil receives unprecedented work of award-winning Argentine poet

Livro de Rodolfo Alonso contará com tradução de imortal da ABL Conhecido por ser amigo pessoal dos escritores Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Murilo Mendes, the Argentine poet Rodolfo Alonso will have their work translated into Portuguese. Edited by Penalux, o livro “Poemas Pendentes” trata-se de uma edição bilíngue que reúne textos inéditos de AlonsoRead more