Medieval songs, year, guitar and singing are options on the programming Workshop

Wednesday's schedule (13) the 34th music workshop of Curitiba offers several options. In addition to the Quartet Carlos Gomes at Guairão (20h30), There are three concert dates for the 6:30 pm, in the theater of the Armory, Liberty Palace and Chapel Santa Maria. The Armory, the set of ancient music Illvminatta, grupo artístico oficial da Universidade TecnológicaRead more

Students of the project Our Corner in the shrine of our Lady of Mount Carmel

Choristers of the project Our Corner make concert this Sunday, at 3:0 pm, in the shrine of our Lady of Mount Carmel. The presentation gathers 220 students of the regional administrations Santa Felicidade, Boqueirão, Cajuru, Boa Vista and Pinheirinho under the Regency of his teachers, members of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba and guidance of Mara Fields. O Programa contaRead more