Backstage – Cultural training

VJ But Pantoja - Videomapping Office. Photo: Disclosure.

Free Series of Lessons, workshops and lectures aimed at the creative chain of artistic production The gradual return of cultural and entertainment activities, with the cooling of the Covid-19 pandemic, it opened space for producers and producers to put into practice an idea that had been gestating for some time. The concept of the initiative left … Read more

[ 52 years of Guará ] Visual arts collective show favors women artists and LGBTQIAP +

Work of Jeorgenete Monfort. Photo: Disclosure.

To celebrate the 52 years of foundation of Guará, visual artists from the region present their works at the collective show: Colors of the Cerrado Works in different techniques and supports brought together to reaffirm the protagonism of art in the construction of the Guaraense cultural identity The emblematic Feira do Guará houses, between days 20 of May to 10 … Read more Check out the launch of the new virtual fundraising platform

Ruy Godinho. Photo: Renata Samarco.

To keep the thriving creative sector of culture alive, which employs thousands and delights millions of Brazilians, a legal and easy-to-access tool appears Virtual fundraising platform through which citizens can allocate part of the tax due to the “lion” to finance cultural projects of all sizes … Read more

The dialogues between image and text at Rico Lins and José Castello's workshop

“Image and Word” Workshop, with Rico Lins and José Castello, featured. Photo: Kin Guerra / J Urban Olinda.

  Literature and visual arts personalities invite interested parties to immerse themselves in the synergy between the artistic strands that work, at the workshop: Image and Word, with Rico Lins and José Castello Four meetings to debate the dialogues between image and text today Nothing more appropriate than the meeting between two exponents and award-winning masters … Read more

Dance Intensive promotes immersion in different modalities

Orbital - Intensive Dances. Photo: Disclosure.

Independent initiative promotes immersion in different dance modalities in Brasilia, here comes the first edition of Orbital – Intensive of Dances Training show in the dance universe with classroom and online classes Where before it was for the practice and learning of Pole Dance, only, now Pole Voe Studio partners with … Read more

Isabela Zinn signs contract with Grupo Editorial Coerência to launch debut book

Isabela Zinn e seu livro "O reino da Rosa negra". Disclosure.

"The kingdom of the Black Rose", writer's first book, is already in the editing process and will be launched in the 1st semester of 2021 Isabela Zinn, from 18 years, assinou contrato com o Grupo Editorial Coerência para o lançamento de “O reino da Rosa negra”, his first book. Inspirado na música Servant of Evil, the story proposes to raise reflections on … Read more

Christmas in pandemic time: Singer Ana Lélia comments on what it was like to work together, but at a distance

Ana Lélia, featured. Photo: Nath Millen / Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Due to the pandemic, singers had to come together virtually to re-record hit songs; Artist comments on difficulties and positive aspects of remote work The work routine of many people was affected this year 2020. That of singer and songwriter Ana Lélia also. Accustomed to meeting with musicians from around the world … Read more

Hot this Christmas: Brazilian design and conscious consumption

Brasília Design Store. Photo:Brasilia Design Storee.

In the center of the modernist Capital Federal, um espaço reúne expoentes do Design Local Brasília Design Store Onde a pujante produção artística brasiliense ganha vitrine e convida quem ama design a apreciar e a valorizar criações com a identidade da nossa cidade É do conhecimento de todas e todos que Brasília respira arte e que dosRead more


Ceramic sparer - White Coffee Set. Photo: Lula Lopes.

So much living with art, cultural press officer finds himself potter in quarantine In times of pandemic and social isolation, many people are reinventing themselves and rethinking their concepts, its relations with consumption, with art, With the life! Now, on the eve of Christmas and New Year's Eve, one year … Read more

CCBB Theater resumes activities with “Poem Bar”, a music and poetry recital with Alexandre Borges, João Vasco, Mariana de Moraes and Sofia Vitória

Poema Bar Show, list. Photo: João Vasco.

The Banco do Brasil Brasília Cultural Center resumes its theater activities with the Luso-Brazilian recital of music and poetry: Poem Bar Delicate and intimate, the show, that brings Alexandre Borges in the direction and on the stage alongside the Portuguese pianist João Vasco and the singers Mariana de Moraes and Sofia Vitória, reverence the … Read more