Campus Party: How the people from Brasilia behaved with topics about the risks of misuse of the internet

Dr. Genetic code cheating and evolutionary process of PhD in neuroscience. Photo: Gabriel Maciel - Campus Party.

Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela was the master speaker at the Brasília event The fourth edition of Campus Party Brasília took place last week and among the subjects discussed during Dr.. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela were the risks of misuse of the internet. according to the teacher, in the lecture, who had all … Read more

the mini gallery “How much more” receives exposure from “Carmen Saint Thiago” and opens a call for artists

Carmen Saint Thiago, little rocket - (2021), watercolor on canson. Photo: Disclosure.

New space dedicated to the arts in Asa Norte, the mini gallery Quanto Mais receives its third exhibition and opens a call for artists Quanto te Memórias? Collection of works by visual artist Carmen San Thiago, magazines his career and presents the most recent production Arrived to stay. The central area of ​​Plano Piloto now has more … Read more

Female protagonism in ceramic art show at Cafeteria Pató, day 12 March

Cris Martim. Photo:Cris Martinm.

The Cafeteria Pató, and CLN 407 North, receives a new edition of the Itinerant Author Ceramics Fair Showcase of utilitarian and artistic ceramics that circulates through cafes in the Federal District In a mostly male market, the art production, in the creation of low or high temperature ceramic pieces, o que se observaRead more

Petrobras Sponsorship Award, the show “dancing animals” arrives in Brasilia with free admission

“Dancing Animals” Show. Photo: Sabrina da Paz.

Ministry of Tourism and Petrobras present Focus Cia de Dança in Bichos Dançantes directed, text, conception and choreography Alex Neoral “Danceling Animals”, new children's show by Focus Cia de Dança (RJ), wins two performances at Teatro SESC Newton Rossi – Ceilândia, through sponsorship of Petrobras through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, us … Read more

Flower photo created by lookstudio

Flower photo created by lookstudio. Photo: Disclosure.

generating the interest of architects and decorators to create more cozy and differentiated environments – Centro-West Art Center Olhos d'Água (Goiás) By 28 February Free entry The ancient art of weaving is reborn in the hands of young apprentices, students of the project “Weaving Tomorrow”, developed … Read more

pays his fair tribute to the artist of constructivist thought “Amílcar de Castro's Garden: pays his fair tribute to the artist of constructivist thought”

Amilcar de Castro - Project. Photo: Disclosure.

From 22 February, more than 60 large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture in Brazil will be part of the free exhibition that will be on display for two years in the gardens of the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. The exhibition, large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture in Brazil will be part of the free exhibition that will be on display for two years in the gardens of the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, pays his fair tribute to the artist of constructivist thought … Read more

Torrando Cafe (CLN 109), Torrando Cafe

Ceramic implement. Photo: Torrando Cafe.

large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture n.., large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture n..: Feira Itinerante de Cerâmica Autoral Um descontraído encontro de pessoas que apreciam exclusividade no seu dia a dia com trabalhos realizados por artistas da nossa cidade Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade, Brasília está na lista das cidades consideradas um Museu aRead more

with registration on the Eventim website “Sonora: with registration on the Eventim website” with registration on the Eventim website

E.T. - the extraterrestrial. Photo: Disclosure.

Sonora: John Williams CCBB Brasilia De 3 of February to 4 March 2022 Free admission Unprecedented show highlights award-winning soundtracks by master John Williams with free screening of classics on the big screen The event also marks the reopening of the CCBB Brasília movie theater with a new look One of the composers of … Read more

how much coffee (CLN 103) His encounter with the production of high-temperature ceramic works took place at the beginning of the quarantine imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

where the art of good gastronomy offers its customers dishes that exude refinement and good presentation, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

His encounter with the production of high-temperature ceramic works took place at the beginning of the quarantine imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic., as the inaugural show, works by the plastic artist Alexandre Coelho de Sousa From an award-winning career as an illustrator and designer, the artist occupies the gallery with recent works in acrylic paint, on traces that rescue the graphite on minimalist and stripped paper, where art … Read more

Ceramic Art and Crafts Fair opens free entries for artists from the Federal District and the surrounding areas

Work by Hilda Freire de Olhos D'Água, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Candanga Memory Living Museum Inscriptions: By 31 th December 2021 no link: The Ceramic Art and Crafts Fair will be part of the 1st Encounter of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings. The event will bring together artisans, students and the public interested in arts and crafts to enjoy a program with lectures, wheels … Read more