Period novel set in Brazil raises women's empowerment in the 19th century

Livro "A conquista do conde". Photo: Disclosure.

In “The conquest of the count”, written by Deborah Strougo, readers will follow a story filled with twists and social reflections The 19th century was very important for women in much of the world, because at this time the spaces began to be occupied by the female force, na qual famílias organizavam reuniões para discutir papéis eRead more

Portugal is an example in the pandemic of the new coronavirus and is now in high preference among those who wish to leave Brazil

Brasil / Portugal. Photo: Reproduction / MF Global Press.

Portugal has been an example in combating the pandemic compared to the rest of the world. With the pandemic of the new coronavirus practically under control and living a plan of deflation while countries like the United States and Brazil have become the epicenter of the pandemic, Brazilians' interest increases in going to live in this European country, who … Read more

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes a cycle of exclusive meetings with academic professors from Italy and Brazil

Michelangelo, The creation of Adam. Disclosure.

The first meeting will be conducted by professors of Italian Language and Literature at Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, Guido Alberto Bonomini and Paolo Torresan, about the three great artists of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffaello Sanzio. Friday, day 29 de Mayo, to 18:00, no Zoom. The Italian Institute of Culture holds this Friday, 29 … Read more

[Covid-19] – APTR REPORT on PL 1075 for Actions for the Culture Industry

Sala São Paulo. Photo: Stefan Schmeling.

PL REPORT 1075 will implement emergency actions for the Cultural Sector, during the state of public calamity Postponed to next Tuesday, 26 de Mayo, the vote on the Cultural Emergency PL, as the first agenda of the day. This agreement was tailored by the project rapporteur, Federal Deputy Jandira Feghali, o Presidente da Câmara RodrigoRead more

Well-known Portuguese-Brazilian philosopher has been a victim of Asian wasps

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Fabiano de Abreu had his grape production devastated because of wasps Asian wasps are one of the hot topics in Brazil. But it's been a reality in Portugal since last year. The journalist, philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu is Portuguese-Brazilian and produces wine in Portugal. Fabiano came to report … Read more

Art and Creation Studio promotes mega exhibition of painting with a focus on 27 Brazil states;

Curators make a special call to artists from all over Brazil and the world; registration is free and open now, with the objective of promoting the figurative expression of visual arts among Brazilian artists and illustrators residing in Brazil and abroad, e aos estrangeiros que morem no Brasil e no exterior que sintamRead more

novel debut event “Mother's love” in Angola brings together celebrities from Brazil and Africa

Late on Monday (25) It was held the presentation of the new Novela Globo, Mother's love, which will also be broadcast in Angola, as part of an entertainment expansion strategy of the Carioca station. With the coverage of the Platinum Line, Angola largest entertainment portal, evento contou com a presença deRead more

chronicle: Why we liked Gugu Liberato?

There are people who already face pleases, its nature is admirable and cognitive reveals its intention. So our cognitive aroused interest and admiration for the presenter Gugu Liberato, which always smiling and calm, joy and peace conveyed through the television screen. Mais um orgulho de nós lusodescendentes já queRead more

Venice Film Festival / Imovision with three award-winning films

Venice Film Festival / award-winning films that will be launched in Brazil by Imovision: ARAB BLUES; GLORIA MUNDI and "Babenco - Someone has to listen to the heart and say: Stopped". ARAB BLUES - BEST FILM CHOSEN BY THE PUBLIC – DAYS AUTHORS / 2019 Synopsis: The psychoanalyst Selma deals with a large number of new patients, … Read more

Casa Europa partner of Flip 2019 brings thinkers from Europe and Brazil to discuss the future of Museums and Memory

A EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, realiza a segunda edição da Casa Europa na Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty e promove uma série de debates sobre o futuro dos museus e as políticas de memória. Toda aRead more
