Brazilian animation short can compete for Oscar 2021

Short film "Umbrella", featured. Photo: personal collection and Youtube reproduction.

Brazilian animator, André Fellipe, says that having a Brazilian production in the competition is already a gain for everyone who works in the country's animation industry A Brazilian animation short film can compete for the Oscars 2021. The Umbrella production was the only one of its kind to be nominated for the dispute for the figurine in March of this year. … Read more

5ª Edition of the Biennial of the Sertão de Artes Visuais

5ª Edition of the Biennial of the Sertão de Artes Visuais. Disclosure.

In its fifth edition, The Biennial will continue on-line, with virtual Vernissage in 01 th July 2021. Registration until 30 of June. — each artist, curator or group of artists (of all nationalities and regions), may participate in the selection with a number of up to: three (3) works, may be of different languages, in a single PDF, containing: Nome eRead more

Museum of Tomorrow performs live with astrophysicist and scientific disseminator Neil deGrasse Tyson

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

The series of debates Amanhãs Aqui e Agora will address the presence of science in the daily lives of Brazilians The first edition of 2021 of the Museum of Tomorrow Here and Now debate series, promoted by the Museum of Tomorrow, will receive one of the best known astrophysicists in the world and also scientific disseminator Neil deGrasse Tyson for … Read more

Book chronicles zombie apocalypse set in Brazil

& quot; How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!" work of John Miler, banner. Disclosure.

“How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!”By John Miler, is a comedy that has the ambition to become a TV series Brazil faces zombie apocalypse in “How to survive the zombie apocalypse, with your mother!”, livro escrito pelo gaúcho John Miler. The idea came when the author, still young, started … Read more

Mythology books for you to read in 2021

Mythology books for you to read in 2021. Disclosure.

Acquire knowledge and an incredible journey with the books on the list A new year has begun and opportunities to expand readings too. Aiming at entertainment through literature, we list some books that were inspired by Greek mythologies, Egyptian, Nordic and among others to be read in 2021. Enjoy the stories and acquire knowledge … Read more

Meetings on technology trends and digital transformation mark the first cultural program of 2021 of the Banco do Brasil Concept Space

Banco do Brasil Concept Space. Photo: Disclosure.

After success in 2020, accounting 11 thousand views in the three lectures, second cycle is scheduled to start 21 January, with free internet transmission, always from 5pm. Cynthia Zanoni, from Microsoft Brazil, opens the circuit on this date Technology trends and digital transformation. These are the themes that go … Read more

9 January 1822: the beginning of the road to Brazilian independence

Ueldison Alves de Azevedo, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Everyone knows that Brazil's independence is celebrated on the day 7 September. However, in 9 January 1822, an important fact was crucial for this path to be paved. History professor shows what was important that day. It is not possible to talk about the history of Brazil without remembering … Read more

A well-known Portuguese-Brazilian is highlighted in Portugal and an important navigator in his ancestor is revealed

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: CPAH.

At the end of the 15th century, Christopher Columbus left Madeira Island (Portugal) and discovered America. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, a Brazilian does the opposite way and brings incredible doses of wisdom to share with the Portuguese people of this same region. Who carries the blood of this region is the neuroscientist, philosopher and … Read more

Maria Bonomi records an exclusive video on the conception of the rare album “Balada do Terror e 8 Variations "

Maria Bonomi. Photo: Lena Peres.

First lithography album made in Brazil had a circulation of only 20 copies, one of them belongs to the collection of the Casa-Museu Ema Klabin One of the main names in artistic creation in Brazil, Maria Bonomi, recorded an exclusive video on the conception of the album “Balada do Terror e 8 Variations ". Quem quiser saber mais sobre essaRead more
