Gibiteca promotes collective release of comics

The Curitiba Gibiteca promotes next Friday (21), at 19h, the biggest event of the collective history of the city, with the participation of 28 curitibanas magazines produced for the Bienal of Comics from Curitiba. "These publications, added to the 12 releases already carried out on Gibiteca in 2016, demonstram a efervescência da produçãoRead more

Curitiba comics Biennale makes donation to the collection of Gibiteca

The collection of Gibiteca of Curitiba received 300 comics collected during the biennial Curitiba comics held in September this year. Among the donations made by the Organization of the event are national and independent titles. A entrega foi feita ma última semana no espaço administrado pela Fundação Cultural de Curitiba pelo coordenador da BienalRead more

Cultural gate receives the attractions of Curitiba comics Biennale

For four days, from 8 to 11 September (Thursday to Sunday), the MuMA, Cultural gate, will host the biennial Curitiba comics. During this period, the space will be home to more than 100 national and international artists, with his sharp eye on the world, have much to contribute to the democratization of … Read more