The liberty bicycles Dora Relatives

His brush strokes are full of colors, vibrant and illuminated! The new circular strokes are also playful and show the contagious joy I've known of plastic artist Dora Relatives. She reinvents the wheel on your screens, rotates with the imagination and invites us to enter this ring. A novidade agora é a exposição “A liberdadeRead more

Cultural spaces gain paraciclos

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba began this week to install paraciclos in cultural spaces. Are 100 parking spaces for bicycles distributed in 12 units: Raheem Mill, Memorial of Curitiba, Solar do Barão, Cinematheque, Students ' Palace (UPE), Theater Novels Curitibanas, Creativity Center in Curitiba, Portão Cultural e nas Casas da Leitura WalmorRead more
