‘WHO'S LEAVE IS SOMEONE'S LOVE’ – 4ª Performance

‘WHO'S PARTY IS SOMEONE'S LOVE’ - 4th Performance, featured. Disclosure.

4ª Performance / Silent Vigil of cultural workers will pay tribute to indigenous peoples Act will take place at the National Theater, from 5:30 pm From the 1st of June, every Monday of the month has been characterized by outdoor performances, in some of the most beautiful spaces in the Brazilian capital. Under the creation of the … Read more

With great visitation, the exhibition "Limits", the carioca artist Marcos Duprat, continues until 17 February, at the national library, in Rio de Janeiro

Attracting large audience at Espaço Cultural Eliseu Visconti, at the national library, the exhibition "Limits", the carioca artist Marcos Duprat, keep playing until the day 17 February. Admission is free and the show also offers guided tours, from 10:30 to 4:00 pm, from Tuesday to Friday. As obras que focalizam reflexos e mergulhadoresRead more


Marcos Duprat presents an overview of his work in more than four decades, in the exhibition "Limits", at the National Library Of 22 th November of 2016 to 17 February 2017 Eliseu Visconti National Library Cultural Space – Mexico Street s/n – Centro De Terça a Sexta-feira, das 10h às 17h Sábado, from 10:30 to 2:00 pm … Read more