Exhibition “I confess that I lived” – Bia Black, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The Gallery "The Hebrew" will host the exhibition "I confess that I lived" by artist Bia Black from the day 26/10/2019 until 17/11/2019 with opening day 26/10/2019 Saturday from 14:00 the 18:00HR. On 16/11/2019 Saturday the 11:00 Hrs happen Dialogue with the curator Olivio Guedes. "Joy of living… Bia Black no … Read more

Shows “Female universe” by Elisa Monde in PIOLA Gardens

"Female Universe" brings out the fragility and the strength inherent in Women, sensations, feelings, ART need to express with the paradox of our lives. Com curadoria de Arte de Elisa Monde que tem um trabalho sólido nas Artes Plásticas e atualmente na série Geométricos com participação e premiações em Salões de Arte, Casa Cor, … Read more

Bia Black – “Paint is a consequence of being alive” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

BIA, make a summary of your career. My parents and grandparents came from different places in Russia for Brazil, during the war, leaving it all behind. I graduated from speech therapist, I did a master's degree, specialization and exercised by 25 years. I've always been a tomboy. I went back to College and USP, on MAC renewed my desire to be an artist. … Read more