Free exhibition curated by young people blends dream with reality

Mirela Cabral. Photo: Disclosure.

Beatriz Milhazes and Abraham Palatnik are some of the artists who are part of the ‘So Show’ show, in São Paulo Exploring the duality between dream and reality, interaction and desire. These were the aims of the work of more than 20 artists, que podem ser admirados gratuitamente na mostra coletiva ‘So Show’. The exhibition, que conta com curadoriaRead more

6º CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça SENAI for the fine arts

TCU DISPLAYS WORKS OF ARTISTS WINNERS MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE – TCU. FROM 24 OCTOBER TO 22 DECEMBER 2017. *For the second time, o Centro Cultural do Tribunal de Contas da União acolhe itinerância do principal prêmio das artes visuais brasileiras *Trabalhos do artista Sérvulo Esmeraldo e de mais 11 artistas compõem aRead more
