Retrospective 2016 Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmund Chandra continues spreading the art always with pleasure. Fisher of talents, promoted in 2016 notable artistic styles. Follow the artists and news throughout the year as chronological order: . Valeria Diaz – “Live one day at time!” VII Mostra Cultural SIM Fátima Camargo – A arte Naif “Open Breast Design!” … Read more


With the opening in 13 October, the exhibition about the German artist remains on display at the Galerie des Galeries until 21 January 2017 From 14 October and up 21 January 2017, a Galerie des Galeries – o espaço dedicado às artes da Galeries Lafayette em Paris –Read more

Paulo Meirelles premiere shows "pray for us" in the Museum of sacred art

An artist has recreated Catholic Saints that give name to places known from Curitiba in glass, screen, fabric and demolition wood Known for its multicolored works, who flirt with pop art, the fine artist Paulo Meirelles makes in this second half of 2016 a return to their spiritual origins. Will open the day 17 from … Read more

Exhibition “Pizza” Gustavo Rebello Arte in

“PIZA” Gustavo Rebello Arte receives an exhibition that brings together works from various eras by the plastic artist Arthur Luiz Piza and reveals a part of his studio in Paris De 27 September to 21 October 2016 Gustavo Rebello Arte Av. Atlantic 1702, Shop 8, Copacabana Tel: 2548-6163 From Monday to Friday, from 12:00 to … Read more

Antonio Carlos Estanagel – recycled art by Edmund Chandra

I met Estanagel in an exhibition that participated in Itapetininga/São Paulo, later in an exhibition he participated in São Paulo in homage to Zuzu Angel, with a stainless steel dress. I was delighted. Artist quit the legal profession to devote himself to art dealer. Estanagel uses junkyard parts and discard to create sculptures. … Read more

Glauco Mathur presents unprecedented exposure in Belo Horizonte

Are 18 years the arts. Artist, curator, enthusiast, collector, Professor and entrepreneur, Glauco Mathi focused his life on his passion for works of art, getting involved in large and varied activities of this branch. Arriving at the "age" of this journey, He decided to give a new direction to your enterprise. Com o objetivo de levar suasRead more

Gilberto Salvador: the restless spirit of an artist of public works by Edmund Chandra

Sometimes, When we visited some public space, a park, a square, etc.., in our city, faced with beautiful sculptures. Here comes the question, who is this beautiful and creative work? In this respect we took your question to some of them – Edmundo Cavalcanti Surpreendente. So we can call it the art of Gilberto Salvador, an artist … Read more

Sergio Grecu – Surrealist art by Edmund Chandra

Without art and I'm a guy who died and forgot to throw ... I ask you: What is the music to Beethoven on their deafness? – Sergio Grecu Born in São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, Sergio Grecu began early in his career as an artist. At the age of 12 years began working as an administrative assistant in … Read more

Remember SpARTakos? A few things have happened...

Remember SpARTakos? Website Obras de Arte was the first art website to spot him, back in June 2014, soon after he started showing his work online. His feature article on our website hit 1000 likes in no time, which confirmed us in the best way that he truly is a promising artist. … Read more

Glauco Mathur: one of the most portrayed the country

One of the ways in which the artists see and represent yourself, the self-portrait is a genre of painting that became widely used from the Italian Renaissance. Among the artists that stand out in this type of farming are Rembrandt, Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh. Many times, o autorretrato desses mestres daRead more
