Gerard Comini - "Art as an alternative expression", by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training? I am Mineiro. Nasci em Belo Horizonte. Minha formação foi bastante variada, having made several art courses in my childhood and adolescence. I studied painting and classic drawing with Frederico Bracher and I graduated in Industrial Design and Visual Communication at Universidade Mineira de Artes. In São Paulo … Read more

Sandra Gobert – “Art as a form of dialogue and communication”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Sandra Gobert's Artists.

1 – Where did you born? And what is your academic training? I was born in Brasilia / DF. I graduated in Art Education with specialization in Fine Arts from UFPE – Federal University of Pernambuco. 2 – How and when you give your first contact with the Arts? My first contact with Visual Arts specifically was around … Read more

Retrospective 2019 Edmundo Cavalcanti

  Let's review the materials of Edmund Chandra in 2019! Luiz de Souza - "Art as a way of seeing life", por Edmundo Cavalcanti Exposição do artista plástico AMIN – Marcelo Neves Art Gallery por Edmundo Cavalcanti Ana Goulart – “A arte é vida, gratitude and connection ", por Edmundo Cavalcanti Spectrum Miami Art ShowRead more

Luiz de Souza - "Art as a way of seeing life", by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training? I was born in Lauro Müller – SC. I made technical courses in accounting and Advertising area at the European Center. 2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts? My earliest memories are of sacred images of the church and a book of my … Read more

Nando Martins - "Art, essence, passion, truth", by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1 - Where were you born? And what is your academic background? I was born in Santos / SP, I have a degree in Advertising and Illustration at the School of Art Panamericana - SP / SP. 2 - How and when you give your first contact with the arts? My first contact with art was in childhood through school … Read more

Rose Crepaldi Rossetti - “The art, life, the emotion”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Conquering space The universe of sculpture presents unique features. Think three-dimensionality demand constantly reflect on the dialogue between full and empty spaces and recesses. It is the practice of modeling that art takes place, is taking as its starting point a drawing or the immense pleasure of seeing certain forms gaining volume. The … Read more

individual exhibition of the artist Claudio Parties, "Tailor wings" reflects on freedom

It shows the Post Office Cultural Center follows up 05/11 An invitation to reflect on freedom, the conditions and human behavior. This is the proposal of "Tailor Wings", individual and unprecedented exhibition of Claudio Parties that happens at the Cultural Center Post, in Rio de Janeiro, from 26/09 to 05/11. Curated by Marcelo Lake, the shows … Read more

Dennis Esteves - “Translating your emotions”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training? I was born in Santo André, ABC and I am self-taught. 2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts? I was born in a family where art was part of everyday life. My mother is choreographer, and runs a ballet school … Read more

Exhibition "New Look" artist Alexandre Fatalla by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Abstract vibrant art and the artist Alexandre Fatalla will be presented at the exhibition, which depicts the light magical way. AEAS participates in the Festival Santos Design with special programming The Association of Engineers and Architects Santos (AEAS) participate in the Santos Design Festival, that occurs between days 08 and 31 August, with numerous attractions … Read more

Rodney Andrade – “Depicting the culture of a people”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training? I was born in Sorocaba / SP, and I am self-taught. 2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts? When I was about 12 years I was already drawing on the counter where my parents worked. There a city painter suggested to my mother that I put … Read more
