Nativity-themed screens celebrate Christmas at MAS/SP

Marriage of Our Lady and St. Joseph - Euro-Andean School (XVII century - XVIII). Photo: Disclosure.

Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, starts the actions that celebrate the end of the year festivities. In the temporary exhibition room, abre at the exhibition "”And Dwelled Among Us – The Nativity according to the painters“, composed … Read more

Flow exposure, by artist Elisa Zattera, is on display at the Sesc/RS Virtual Gallery

Elisa Zattera, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Project has images of ten abstract sculptures created by Caxiense It is already possible to see the works of the work “Fluxo”, by artist Elisa Zattera, at the Sesc/RS Virtual Gallery at, where another seven exhibitions by artists from the state of Rio Grande do Sul are on display. The show features images of ten sculptures, that despite being produced with … Read more

Sil Azevedo bets on decorative photography with black representation

Intermittent, photography by Sil Azevedo.

Internationally prestigious filmmaker, writer and social activist born in Baixada Fluminense, artist takes on old passion for photography, sem fugir da motivação social e avessa ao discurso da meritocracia “A maturidade me trouxe a consciência de que não estar retratada nesse mundo de beleza das fotografias de paisagem, it's not my incompetence, not but … Read more

MNBA: Open for Works" with the leading role of blacks in art, day 26 Nov, 6St fair, at 3:0 pm

MNBA: Open for Works" with the leading role of blacks in art, day 26 Nov, 6St fair, at 3:0 pm, featured. Disclosure.

The protagonism of blacks in art is the focus of the day's meeting 26 November, Friday, at 3:0 pm, in another edition of the project “MNBA: Open for Work". On occasion, we will have the lecture "Between the chair and captivity: Black teachers at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts”, by museologist and educator Reginaldo Tobias. … Read more

CAWE Gallery Hosts Artist Surian Barone's DIGITAL Exhibition

Obra "Diálogos" of Surian Barone. Photo: Disclosure.

CAWE Gallery holds virtual exhibitions of Independent Artists. Artist Surian Barone's DIGITAL Exhibition under the curatorship of CAW, goes to 29 Nov. About the exhibition: "Digital" are drawings created and elaborated with mixed technique, some were drawn using a black Bic pen and later colored on the computer, other, only digitally developed. Alguns foramRead more

Dayana Trindade – “Artistic Relevance. Art as a communication link between the artist, society and nature"

Title of the Work: the parable of the sower. Year: 2020. Dimensions: 65x55 cm. Technique: Mixed. Acrylic paint painting. Plastic Artist Dayana Trindade. Local: Cuiabá/MT.

Wait, tell us a little about yourself… I was born in March 1983, in the city of Campo Grande in Mato Grosso do Sul. I studied nursing at a public university there and moved to Niterói to undertake specialization in Rio de Janeiro. Upon returning to Campo Grande, I had a child and after two years … Read more

Exhibition: National Hall, – opening day 27 November – Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri

Leda Catunda - Small Children Fence, 1983 - acrylic on fabric - 80 x 114 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri is pleased to present, between 27 th November of 2021 to 29 January 2022, “National Hall”, collective exhibition that brings together works by Alex Vallauri, Amelia Toledo, Brancusi, BOI, Carlos Fajardo, Cassio Michalany, Claudio Kuperman, Claudio Tozzi, Dudi Maia Rosa, Fabio Miguel, Flávia Ribeiro, Guto Lacaz, Ivald Granato, José … Read more

Exhibition “Moored” – Damiana Suriani

Damiana Suriani, artwork. Photo: Disclosure.

On 23 November, the visual artist Damiana Suriani presents the exhibition “Amarrados”, in São Paulo – that can be visited until day 14 of december, at the Marcelo Neves Art Gallery space – and portrays stories, feelings and situations experienced during the pandemic. The show brings together works among drawings, collages and sculptures that explore … Read more

“On the road”, photographic exhibition invites the viewer to encounter significant originalities

Ancona - Italy (80x120cm). Photo: Fernando Barros.

DO – Federal District Cultural Support Fund presents, in Cultural Renato Russo, the exhibition Na Estrada Photographic exhibition of scenarios that translate subtle perceptions and invite the viewer to exercise a precise look and to encounter significant originalities Curated by Marília Panitz, the exhibition features a collection of … Read more

São Rafael Galleries Inaugurate Autumn Immersive Exhibitions

São Rafael Galleries Inaugurate Autumn Immersive Exhibitions. Photo: Disclosure.

The São Rafael Galleries, first Portuguese luxury gallery with an immersive and multi-sensory concept, are pleased to announce the Autumn Immersive Exhibitions cycle, autumn exhibition cycle, using augmented reality and virtual reality, in which the visitor, through 360º panoramic exhibition halls, can move freely through the exhibition, watch interactive videos … Read more