Art History

Fig. 8 – Girl or girl with a Pearl Earring, Vermeer, 1665/1666, Mauritshuis, Haia.

The art was born with our ancestors from a very remote epoch where the caveman expressed in Cave Paintings events, experiences and emotions experienced throughout their everyday activity. At the carousel of time, mankind was stamping its identity through art, under its various aspects, like painting with your strokes, … Read more

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day 2 by Angela Scorza

Angela Scorza is a Plastic Artist.

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day 2 by Angela Scorza . These strokes even seem to stories of fishermen, but are real. – Angela S. Here very close there is a ground which today belongs to FIAT and before there was a nice villa, those that artists love, little windows barely painted wood, walls of an undefined white, well peeled, … Read more

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day by Wilmer A. Guedez Ojeda

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day by Wilmer A. Guedez Ojeda (WAGO) Hello friends and colleagues, I tell you that in 2011 something strange happened to me, I started to paint a triptych that would make some flowers, I drew a few strokes to paint and time passed without realizing that it was too late, I decided to take a break and decided to lie down. … Read more

Brushstrokes of Day-to-Day by Angela Scorza

Angela Scorza is a Plastic Artist.

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day by Angela Scorza like to paint “at plein air”, on the street as the Impressionists, i did the College and went with my father for years and years. As my preferred technique is the watercolor, for all, fluidity, practicality, challenges, I went to the center of Rio, weekday, and there put my stool, material … Read more

Strokes Day-to-Day by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti

Debuting our category Strokes Day-to-Day, Artist Plastic Edmundo Cavalcanti sent us the following: Happened to me an interesting and strange fact in November/2012, I do not remember the date exactly. Was living in the house of my sister, and as was usually every night, was watching a newscast. De repente me deu uma vontadeRead more

1° Salon of Arts CARLOS ZEMEK

Night Autograph Book “Textos Pinçados” de Eduardo Bettega Vernissage dia 02 de Agosto às 19hs R. Trajano Reis, 443 – San Francisco Curitiba FREE ADMISSION Restaurant Alberto Massuda: / AlbertoMassudaRestaurante Information and Reservations: 41 3076-7202 The 1st Arts Hall Carlos Zemek proposes a reflection on the freedom of artistic expression, and opens the doors … Read more

Data June 2013

Data June 2013 People, Very Good Afternoon! Following data Site of June: Source: Google Analytics Um Total de 1.089 Visits!! . / obrasdarte Our Facebook Page, Diffusion Propelling Source, with more than 16.450 Followers recorded: 400 Art Works Shared 19.342 Likes 597 Comments 3.536 Shares . The Group … Read more

Exhibition of Fine Arts and Literature “Don Quijote de la Mancha”

Vernissage day 14 August 19hs In the Cervantes Institute in Curitiba. FREE ADMISSION EXHIBITION "DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA" In 14 August, to 19 hours, in the Cervantes Institute of Curitiba, Ubaldino do Amaral Street, 927 - Alto da Glória, will take place the opening of the exhibition of Visual Arts "Don Quijote de la Mancha". Don … Read more

Zac and the time machine – Check on Villa Hauer Cultural – Sunday

Zac and time machine The show directed by Sergio Rezende Del Giomo, and conducted by Cia de Artifícios Teatrais talks about Zac, a boy restless and intelligent. One day, fleeing from a bully, he enters the laboratory of Professor, who has just created his greatest invention: the time machine! Of course … Read more