Shows New box Biennial Artists debut Second Edition in Rio de Janeiro

Lucas Lugarinho, Work Mythomania 07/02, 2016, Painting-canvas, oil paint, 85 x 115 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Traveling exhibition with works by 30 artists from several states will circulate through all units of CAIXA Cultural After the success of the edition of 2015/2016, CAIXA Econômica Federal proudly presents the second CAIXA Biennial Exhibition of New Artists. The exhibition, bringing together works by 30 novos talentos das artes visuais de todo oRead more

History of brazilian aviation WINS exhibition at MCB

Opening: 1st of June, 19H30-free admission Open House: until 20 August The Brazilian House Museum, establishment of the Secretariat of culture of São Paulo State, features, in partnership with the Instituto Embraer, the universe of creation of national design for artifacts designed to fly. Como instituição dedicada às questões do designRead more

After releasing the book in Portugal and Angola, Fabiano de Abreu prepares launch in Brazil and Spain

Fabiano de Abreu, journalist who led by 3 consecutive years the artistic advisor award in "Best Personalities of the year", just returned from the second release of turning your debut book, "Live Might Not Be So Bad", in Portugal. By the end of the year, happen releases in Spain and, finally, in Brazil. … Read more

The liberty bicycles Dora Relatives

His brush strokes are full of colors, vibrant and illuminated! The new circular strokes are also playful and show the contagious joy I've known of plastic artist Dora Relatives. She reinvents the wheel on your screens, rotates with the imagination and invites us to enter this ring. A novidade agora é a exposição “A liberdadeRead more

River Art Museum opens “Dja Guata However l Rio de Janeiro indigenous "

"Dja Guata However l Rio de Janeiro indigenous". Photo: Disclosure.

The Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute with the support of the Odeon and Repsol Sinopec Brazil, Opens the shows "Dja Guata Porã | Rio de Janeiro indigenous ", a path between history and contemporaneity of indigenous cultures in the State. Idealizada pela equipe de pesquisa e educação do MARRead more

Culture room Leila Diniz receives exposure “Scribbles and smudges”

Work of Sweet Rao. Photo: Disclosure.

In the exhibition "Scribbles and smudges", of Sweet Rao, the commitment to Visual stimuli prevails on the need of a narrative. The paintings and illustrations of the artist, inspired by the details of everyday life, will be exposed in the Culture room Leila Diniz, between days 7 June and 4 July. For the first time in space, … Read more

"China exhibition of a Chinese" and "Bodies", that display the work of Chinese photographer Wang Weiguang brand and Zhu Hongyu

Photograph of Wang Weiguang. Disclosure.

This is the first time that FotoRio hosts exhibitions by Chinese photographers in its program The Correios Cultural Center opens on Wednesday, 07 of June, the "China exhibition of a Chinese" and "Bodies", dos fotógrafos chineses Wang Weiguang e Zhu Hongyu como parte da programação do FotoRio 2017. A exposição “China de um chinês”Read more

Cinematheque presents shows of films on refugees

Film Exodus-where I come from there is no more. Photo: Disclosure.

The Cinémathèque de Curitiba presents from this Thursday (1º) the exhibition "perspectives on the refuge", with display until Sunday (4), at 7:00 pm, of productions on the drama of refugees. The show is promoted by UNHCR-the UN refugee Agency as part of the celebrations for world refugee day, concluded in 20 … Read more

Mapping collective debut about the Failure of the forms

Mapping Collective. Photo: Carlos Bernardes, Flower Films Gross.

Instalação coreográfica concebida pelo Coletivo Cartográfico em parceria com o artista visual Jorge Soledar será composta por móveis e gesso e ocupará todo um galpão no bairro do Bom Retiro Revisar a efemeridade do ato coreográfico como ação capaz de transformar o real, from an installation with material elements characteristic and objects, que serão traumatizadosRead more

Cultural Rio de Janeiro box displays Contemporary Greek Film Festival

Film Dogtooth (2009), Giorgios Lanthimos. Photo: Disclosure.

Programming with 12 films will have the presence of the Greek philosopher Theofanis Tasis in a debate with the public 06 to 18 of June (Tuesday to Sunday), CAIXA Cultural Rio de Janeiro presents the Contemporary Greek Cinema exhibition – Memories of the crisis, that will display 12 films made between 2009 and 2016. Com curadoria de João JuarezRead more
