FCC offers new cultural itineraries of mediated visits

Poty Lazzarotto Panel, Tropeiros. Photo: Disclosure.

The date commemorates the national historic site, 17 August, the Board of Cultural heritage of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba launches new scripts visits mediated to the Centre of Curitiba. In addition to the two already traditionally conducted by FCC Educational action team, um com foco no Solar do BarãoRead more

Debut in 17 August “Afterimage” -The latest film from acclaimed director Andrzej Wajda

Debut in 17 August "Afterimage"-the latest film from acclaimed director Andrzej Wajda. Disclosure.

REPRESENTATIVE OF POLAND IN THE RUNNING FOR THE OSCAR FOR BEST FOREIGN FILM IN 2017 AFTERIMAGE WAS PART OF THE OFFICIAL SELECTION OF THE TORONTO FESTIVALS AND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL BUZAN. Andrzej Wajda died 9 October 2016, received an honorary Oscar from the Academy of motion picture arts and Sciences in Hollywood for their 50 dedicated years … Read more

Collective Art Exhibition “Let justice reign in my country” by Rosângela Vig

Opening cocktail of the collective exhibition of art "that justice reign in my country". Photo: Sandra Honors.

In the midst of Art, so many were the manifestations of who creates, crying out for a better country, more just and therefore, with more citizens happy. In Sculpture, in painting and Photography, the colors of Brazil prevailed, speaking of high tom, interspersed messages that speak the voice of Brazilians. At the rack, it was clear … Read more

The FCC team started removing graffiti from place 19 December

The FCC team started removing graffiti from place 19 December. Photo: Lucilia Guimarães.

The Coordination team of preservation and conservation of collections of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba will be working this week on removing graffiti in the works and artistic square panels 19 December. The action is a partnership of the City Hall with the Associação Comercial do Paraná, que acionou empresas apoiadoras para fornecimento de equipamentos eRead more

Arnaldo Dias Baptista presents Unprecedented Exposure on the Ponteio Lar Shopping in Belo Horizonte (17/8)

Exhibition "Resistance: the mutant science of existence ", Arnaldo Dias Baptista individual. Photo: Henry Queiroga.

Solo exhibition "resistance: the mutant science of existence "brings together paintings from ex-mutante, that now is dedicated entirely to plastic arts. From 17 august to 17 September, with free admission. After three solo exhibitions in São Paulo, "Magnetic Lens" (2012), "Exorealismo" (2014), both Emma Thomas Gallery, e a ocupação “Transmigração” na Caixa CulturalRead more

AMI Foundation invitation-Inauguration of “TO VIEW THE SEA”

Convite Fundação AMI – Inauguração de "A VER O MAR". Disclosure.

Summer group show day 11 August at 21:30 in the Estoril Congress Centre the next day 11 August 2017, by 21:30, the AMIarte, Center for cultural action of AMI, inaugurates, in the Estoril Congress Centre, “TO VIEW THE SEA”, a summer group show, com curadoria de Helena MendesRead more

Exhibition at the Memorial presents drawings of capital of Poland

Stolice Strona, Tadeusz Cock. Photo: Disclosure.

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, in partnership with the Consulate General of Poland, opens this Wednesday (9), at 19h, in Curitiba Memorial, the exhibition "Stolice Polski – Polish Capital", bringing together a series of 70 pen drawings of the Polish artist Tadeusz Kurek. A abertura da exposição terá como atrações o CoralRead more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more

BUT promotes grid of Lectures: Introduction to French painting through the collection of MASP

Renoir-pink and blue: the girls Cahen d Anvers ’, São Paulo, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, 1881. Featured.

The sacred art museum promotes a grid of lectures with Professor. Renato Brolezzi who will give an introduction to French painting of the second half of the 19th century through the Collection of Masp, studying the practices and reflections which form the poetic complexity roughly defined as impressionists, no intuito de se dissolverRead more

BUT promotes our Lady about Theological Café, the integrator of the worlds

BUT promotes our Lady about Theological Café, the integrator of the worlds. Disclosure.

The sacred art museum receives Patricia Fox axe to a Theological Café on the theme of our Lady: the integrator of the worlds”. When Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope Leo III 2017 We celebrate the 300 years of our Lady of Aparecida, as well as the centenary of the apparition of our Lady of Fatima, dois exemplos da manifestação de uma devoção queRead more
