Artist friburguense will bring paintings and installations to the Culture room

Bê Sancho, Harlequin. Photo: Disclosure.

The Culture room Leila Diniz receives for the first time the artist friburguense Bê Sancho, with the exhibition "Visual Poetics". Inspired by their memories, the display will consist of some installations and 35 oil paintings on canvas, of which 18 are original. The regulars of space can give the works from 4 and 29 September. … Read more

24 August, the day of the Artist by Fabiano de Abreu

Today is day 24 August, the day of the Artist. Will a poetry: “Being an artist is to have talent, é pintar e bordar até no relento É ser criativo e espontâneo É ser técnico sem ter estudado É ter nascido com um dom dado Ser artista é pintar o original É atuar com a leveza de queRead more

Massey Camargo, our ‘ Cat Guide’ the beauties of Europe by Fabiano de Abreu

Massey Camargo, Cat Guide. Photo: MF Global Press.

Massey Calderon is already known in the social network and was considered the most beautiful contestant of the reality home of Record, so was eliminated joined the Muggles and was for Europe, in this tour, our ‘ Cat Guide’ are you going to tell us a little bit of every place I visited. The ‘ Cat Guide’ começou sua viagem entre aRead more

Publisher opens registration for Portuguese and French anthology

Portuguese Language writers anthology. Disclosure.

The ZL's Publisher with open registration for authors who want to participate in the Fourth Edition bilingual, Portuguese to French, the Anthology writers of the Portuguese Language. The registration for interested will be made by e-mail until the day 31 August. Each author can occupy up to three pages and you will be entitled to five copies of the anthology. Apesar daRead more

Exhibition "Constellate" inaugurates the party by 30 years of Pro-Know

Instituto Pró-Know Largo dos Leões 70, Constellate Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

Free programming will have displays of contemporary art, shows, concerts and lectures. From 26 august to 3 September, the Pro-Knowing opens the gates to celebrate 30 years of education. Will be nine days of programming, with popular and classical music, lectures and, as the Centre Party, the exhibition "Constellate", que ocupará todos osRead more

Collection of sacred art is featured in virtual auction

Paper D Dresser. Joseph I of rosewood with secret compartment for value guard, da Bahia, 21st century. XVIII. Photo: Disclosure.

Auction will feature collection of Maria Antonia Marinho, the House of the Alto da Boa Vista in Rio de Janeiro and other principals. The works will be auctioned in days 23 and 24 August, from the 9:00 pm. With great furniture collection, sacred images, Silver, crockery Cla Indias, academic and contemporary paintings, … Read more

Free Course: History of Russian art

Free Course: History of Russian art (featured). Disclosure.

The Russian art-here, understood in its architectural manifestations, pictorial and sculptural-has a complex history: on the other hand, is the art of well known icons, of religious devotion, the great responsible for building imagery of Eastern Christianity. On the other hand, também foi um dos territórios mais importantes para o surgimento da arteRead more

Alessandra Rehder subtraction and individual Form at Centro Cultural São Paulo post

Alessandra Rehder – Bawomatabo – Indonesia. 2016. 29 x 43 x 5 cm. Embossed photo. Disclosure.

The show, that opens the day 19 August, Saturday, consists of about 80 images of different series of artist with an authorial technique, in which the elements clipped images throw empty and eloquent tridimensionalidades, a artista pontua realidades subtraídas em diversos continentes A curadoria é de Wagner Barja e a mostra segueRead more

Cocktail and Exhibition “Environment in full” by Rosângela Vig

Cocktail and exhibition "environment as a whole". Photo: Soso Botture.

When art is combined with a worthy cause, your transformer character lights up messages and content. The work then matures and becomes robust, in size, in ressignification and nobility. This may have been the meaning greater exposure of the Artenavida Group, whose exhibition will until the day 8 September … Read more

Paula Klien exposes, at the same time, unpublished works in London and Berlin, in September

Paula Klien. Photo: Alessandro Mari.

After individual in the German capital, in February, and participation in Clio Art Fair, in NYC, and in arteBA, in Buenos Aires, the Brazilian artist returns to present her work in Europe using ink painting The only Brazilian participating in the collective “Asia On My Mind” at aquabitArt gallery, Berlin, from 4 to 20 August, … Read more
