How to apply the red carpet look Bruna Marquezine in real life

The jewelry designer and digital influencer Analú Dietrich, pigs Store, She admits that many of us admire, but we can not create connection and draw inspiration for us to use in our lives: “Os looks ‘Red Carpet’ always seem distant and nothing applicable in the real world, But that is not true! We can be inspired and take away … Read more

Philosopher and researcher cries and laments the destruction of the National Museum

The philosopher and researcher Abreu Fabiano was devastated by the fire that destroyed more than 20 million items in the three floors of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, in the Quinta da Boa Vista, Sunday night, day 2. “Fires happen accidentally or deliberately, any of the factors occurring … Read more

MAS promotes Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits” with Professor. Dimas da Cruz Oliveira. General objective: Since, in the XXI century threshold, many historians recognize the immense value of science practiced by priests of the Jesuit order, it is our intention to present a balance sheet of this contribution. Acreditamos que assim será possível corrigir uma distorçãoRead more

Important photo contest sponsored by the Alliance Française Brazil, the Prix Photo Alliance Française (old Prix Photo Web) opens its registrations from the day 3 September

Under the theme "Where's the water?"The contest offers three finishers as attractive prize ticket to Paris, scholarship at the Alliance Française, plus group exhibition at Gallery Alliance French Rio de Janeiro. As inscrições são gratuitas através do site “Todos sabemos que a vida é impossível sem aRead more

Museum of the Republic receives Poets Meeting of Portuguese Language

EPLP reaches its fifth edition with commemorative anthology Poetry celebrates once again the Portuguese language. From day 31 August, It will be held the fifth edition of the Meeting of Poets of the Portuguese Language (V EPLP). The opening ceremony will be at the Museum of the Republic - Catete Palace, in Rio de … Read more

Free Course: “Faith in the history of Brazilian Art: A journey through the history of Sacred Art in Brazil through the collection of the MAS”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Faith in the history of Brazilian Art: A journey through the history of Sacred Art in Brazil through the collection of the MAS” with Professor. José Augusto New. Objetivo do curso Apresentar a Arte Sacra presente no Brasil com suas mudanças de estilo e construção das obras segundo os costumes devocionaisRead more

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes Course in Loco: Diamantina

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes a Course in Loco in Diamantina with Prof.. Drº. Marcos Horácio Gomes Dias OBJECTIVE: It was not just gold that represented a great wealth for Minas Gerais, but we also have all diamond production in the region of Serro and Arraial do Tejuco (current … Read more

“Religious intolerance is the result of knowledge limitation”, the philosopher says Fabiano de Abreu

The philosopher and researcher Fabiano de Abreu said that religious intolerance is given by several factors, from parental creation, social, consequent intolerance of limited intellect, prejudice and lack of knowledge in general. “The major problem of a society with a low level of study is: You think you know everything without seeking to know anything. All of us … Read more

Tony Robbins gives lecture in Brazil for business travelers and guests of honor

The executive Renata Spallicci attended the event, at the invitation of the organizers, and brings us more information about Tony Robbins and lectures for the public that packed the São Paulo Expo this Thursday, 9 August. What names like Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West, Bill Clinton, Lady Diana e Arnold Schwarzenegger temRead more

“Social networking is not news site”, says the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu

In a virtual world in which many find themselves the owner of truth and reason, publishing what they want, what do you think, convinced and convincing, who saves and what saves is the press, warns the philosopher and researcher Fabiano de Abreu: “Somente a imprensa pode definir se aquilo que foi escrito é verdadeRead more
