In memory of Holocaust, the Italian Institute of Culture of Rio performs single session of the documentary "Hell Mittelbau Dora", that diretora italiana Mary Mirko Soap, Monday, 27, at the Cultural Center of the Judiciary (CCMJ)

The Italian Consul General in Rio de Janeiro, Paolo Miraglia opens the schedule that will be followed by Act honoring the victims of Nazism. The meeting will bring together Brazilian institutions representing Jews and blacks with European cultural institutes, to remember the importance of commitment to human rights. Projetado pela primeira vez no BrasilRead more

Empire St. Paul portrayed in book

(…)The bronchi of the city that had been the Straight Street, Saint Benedict and the Rosary yielded the time for railway lines. The forward progress and São Paulo turns. Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, following the … Read more

Show the Chinese New Year will be the Wire Opera House

The spectacle of Cultural and Artistic Company of Henan Province (China), Celebrating Chinese New Year, Wire was transferred to Opera, on the same date and place - Sunday (26 January), às 17h. Admission is free. This is the only show in Curitiba. Besides the capital of Paraná, only Foz do … Read more

Curitiba celebrates Chinese New Year with Chinese dance company

The spectacle of Cultural and Artistic Company of Henan Province (China), Celebrating Chinese New Year, Wire was transferred to Opera, on the same date and place - Sunday (26 January), às 17h. Admission is free. This is the only show in Curitiba. Besides the capital of Paraná, only Foz do … Read more

Practice reading and creating poetry are ongoing issues facing educators free

Workshop Course Word, offered by the project Route of Culture, trabalha a linguagem escrita com educadores da zona norte A 2ª edição do projeto Rota da Cultura oferece, during the month of February, a free course on written language facing educators in the northern district of São Paulo. A ideia do Ateliê da PalavraRead more

In the year that celebrates 25 years, IEL has special holiday schedule

Through reading and reflection on a given corpus of contemporary poetry, and its myriad objects, techniques, powers, as well as practical proposals that go through mimesis, the sampler, for editing, Figures the workshop in transit / Perspectivismos, with the poet Nuno Rau, visa promover um ambiente de pensamento/produção sobre a condição de existênciaRead more

Starring Gérard Depardieu, The Chance of Fahim debut in Brazilian theaters 16 January

BASED ON REAL FACTS stars Gerard Depardieu, The FAHIM CHANCE OF PREMIERE IN CINEMAS IN BRAZILIAN 16 OF JANUARY. The Fahim Chance is the adaptation of the book “A clandestine king”, an autobiographical tale co-written by Mohammad Fahim, Sophie Le Callennec e Xavier Parmentier, published in 2014 by Les Arènes. Baseado em fatosRead more

Movie “Portrait of a young man on fire” the Cine Tour

INDICATED TO Golden Globe MOVIE BEST FOREIGN Noemie Merlant – ADÈLE HAENEL PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN ON FIRE A MOVIE BY CÉLINE SCIAMMA Portrait de la jeune fille in feu | France | 2019 | 121 minutes | Romance/Drama SYNOPSIS France, 1770. Marianne is hired to paint the wedding portrait of Héloïse, … Read more

Painting on Canvas, Step by step 18 – Color and shape perception by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 9 – Jaboticabas on the trunk, 2019, Rosângela Vig.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: Little Nose didn't like to wait; She was annoyed to have to wait for Pete for a whole week. But fortunately it was jaboticaba time. There were several jaboticaba trees in Mrs. Benta's small farm, but one was enough to make them all sick to nausea. … Read more

Special holidays in Educational CCBB - Art & education!

Highlight for the artistic creation and cultivation workshops for children with the indigenous “Niara do Sol”, the collective performances of dancing and singing with the Jongo da Serrinha on holiday to San Sebastian and lots of storytelling with art educators and guest artists. The CCBB EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM – ART AND EDUCATION develops … Read more