Legalization of abortion: National fiction book brings debates amidst STF decision

Book "457 Miles". Photo: Disclosure.

While the Supreme Court criminalizes abortion in cases of zikavirus, “457 Miles”, by Rachel Fernandes (Editorial Group Coherence), invites the reader to reflect on the theme Amid heated discussions on the liberation of abortion, Brazilian publicist Rachel Fernandes wrote her first novel: “457 Miles”. The book, that brings the consequences of an abortion … Read more

Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Milton Hatoum. Photo: Olga Vlahou.

Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José Roberto Walker. In addition to new talents like Fabiana Vanz The Casa-Museu Ema Klabin continues with its rich cultural program through the #CasaMuseuEmCasa Project. During the months of July, August and September lives with big names in literature are confirmed, mediated by Ana Beatriz Demarchi, such as: Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão preaches happiness and talks about the era of haste

Pedro Salomão, featured. Photo: Ari Kaye.

The finalist author of the Jabuti Award 2019, mentions courage to live, anxiety and other topics that are directly linked to current life After launching the books Empreendedor Felicidade and LydereZ, Pedro Salomão is on his way to his third work and has been talking a lot about the era of haste and anxiety. The finalist author … Read more

Innovative Program invests in Cultural Heritage – Matchfunding BNDES +

Selarón Staircase. Photo: Disclosure.

2ª EDITION OF THE MATCHFUNDING BNDES + CULTURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM WILL INVEST UNTIL 2,4 MILLIONS IN PROJECTS FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE MATERIALS AND IMMATERIALS FROM ALL COUNTRY 10/08, innovative announcement via matchfunding with BNDES financing, é o resultado de uma parceria do banco com a SITAWI Finanças do Bem e da plataforma de crowdfunding Benfeitoria. In … Read more

Unified Front of Culture of the DF convenes a new sector meeting to discuss referrals to the Aldir Blanc Law

3ª Unified Front Meeting - Lei Aldir Blanc, card. Disclosure.

Third virtual meeting between cultural professionals from DF will allow urgent financial assistance to the Spaces, Cultural Institutions and Organizations in DF Scheduled to happen this Thursday, day 16 July, a partir the 19h, through virtual, a terceira reunião entre as trabalhadoras e trabalhadores da cultura, convocada pela Frente Unificada da Cultura doRead more

Carioca biomedical brings police suspense in his debut book

Livro "Beijo de borboleta" by Vanessa Guimarães. Disclosure.

Between criminal investigation, murders and a missing child, the writer proposes to raise important themes in “Butterfly Kiss” Inspired by Agatha Christie, Tess Gerritsen, C.J. Tudor and itself, the biomedical Vanessa Guimarães recently announced the launch of “Beijo de Butterfly”, debut book that features her alter ego in the main character. Atualmente a carioca é mãe deRead more

Imovision promotes a special live with Bárbara Paz to launch the Documentary MULHER on digital platforms


Imovision distributor in partnership with website Mulher no Cinema, going to make a special live day 16/07 the 19:30 on your instagram, @imovision, with journalist Luísa Pécora, writer and creator of Mulher no Cinema, and actress and filmmaker Bárbara Paz on the premiere of the documentary WOMAN, that hits digital platforms today 15 July. … Read more

Fiction book narrates romance during the Olympic Games in 2020 without the presence of COVID-19

Book “Tokio 2020” by Ane Forcato. Disclosure.

Written in 2019, book stands out when narrating a novel set in the Olympic Games of 2020 in Tokyo without the new Coronavirus pandemic With the COVID-19 pandemic, many events that would be held in 2020 have been canceled or postponed following WHO recommendations; this is the case with the olympic games, that this year … Read more

COVID-19: With the increase in suicide cases, illustrator launches book against depression

I Bittencourt. Photo: Disclosure.

With the increase in suicide deaths among young people 15 to 29 years, Io Bittencourt's book brings short phrases and illustrations to help depressed people The numbers of suicide deaths are constantly increasing in the world, and despite this reality, when someone touches on the subject he is charged with mysteries behind a … Read more

Online installation reflects on humanity's relationship with technology

Floating Gardens. Disclosure.

Focused exclusively on the virtual environment, work GARDENS DO FOTÚRETO, of the Core Grouping 2, debut this Sunday, 12 July, joining photography, video, performance and binaural audio Mixing photography, videoart, binaural performance and audio, that reproduces the way sounds are picked up by the human ear, the multimedia installation JARDINS DO FOTÚRETO, created especially for the … Read more