Brushstrokes of Day-to-Day by Jacques Henri

Jacques Henri is an artist.

Strokes of everyday life by Jacques Henri Hello ! I'm Jacques Henri, Artist living in Florianópolis-SC. One day working in my atelier, Enter a Lady of some 50 years and stand in front of a picture of the Florianópolis bridge that had just turned, I got close to her when suddenly she started to … Read more

Casa da Cultura Paraty inaugurates photo exhibition "dish of the day" in 9 de Mayo

Casa da Cultura Paraty inaugurates photo exhibition "dish of the day" in 9 de maio Exposição, based on the book the society of the spectacle, propõe a reflexão sobre a ‘geração mercadoria’ Baseada no livro “A Sociedade do Espetáculo”, by Guy Debord, the new exhibition of the Casa da Cultura Paraty, "Dish of the day", busca promover aRead more

Visual Artist Rosângela Vig interviewed by Oscar D'Ambrósio in the program profile of UNESP Radio

Profile Program - Rádio UNESP The Profile Program of Rádio Unesp FM, presented by respected journalist and art critic Oscar D ' Ambrosio interviewed this week to artist and Professor of art history, Rosângela Vig, to talk about her individual exhibition at Livraria Cultura of Shopping Villa-Lobos. The artist explains a little about the … Read more

Universes of perfume and United sound in unprecedented concert of piano at the Alliance Française of Tijuca

Universos do perfume e do som unidos em concerto inédito de piano Aliança Francesa apresenta gratuitamente show do pianista de jazz e especialista em perfume Laurent Assoulen em experiência inovadora pela primeira vez no Brasil A Aliança Francesa da Tijuca apresenta na quarta-feira, 29, às 19h30, the unprecedented concert of the jazz pianist, compositor eRead more

Display showcase explosion of Feelings of the Artist Read Borges

Exhibition of the Explosion of Feelings Exhibition by Visual Artist Lê Borges It is being held at the Raul de Leoni Culture Center, in the Gallery Van Dijk in Petropolis RJ. Praça Visconde de Maua 305, Center. Visitation Tuesday and Saturday: 10h 6:0 pm ACE, Sunday 10:0 at 5:0 pm. . Making the representation of the nebulae of the universe, with … Read more

Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Registration for the New Class of the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Production at Candido Mendes University is open. The course is held in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC) Registrations are now open for the new class of lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). O curso foi pioneiro noRead more

Meeting on the Camino de Santiago with talk show, photo exhibition and tasting of Tartas de Santiago

Meeting on the Camino de Santiago with talk show, photo exhibition and tasting of Tartas de Santiago Wednesday, 15 April, a partir das 19h no Instituto Cervantes do Rio As vagas são limitadas e sujeitas à capacidade do auditório. Inscrições no email Evento gratuito O encanto, the magic, os mistérios e asRead more

River – A French passion

River – A French passion 14 April to 9 August 2015 1floor of the Pavilion – Gallery B Gallery Talk: 14/4, às 15h O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR traz à cidade uma seleção de 75 photographs and videos, provenientes dos acervos das mais respeitadas instituições francesasRead more

Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960)

Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960) From 14 April to 9 August 2015 1Floor of the pavilion - Galeria A Conversa de Galeria: 14 April, às 11h O Museu de Arte do Rio apresenta a exposição Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960), que reúne trabalhos do artistaRead more

Lucas Guimaraes and Fernando Pacheco invite for the book launch: 33,333 – Bilateral Connections

Lucas Guimaraes and Fernando Pacheco invite for the book launch: 33,333 – Bilateral Day Connections 16/04, Thursday 19h Coffee With Letters Banco do Brasil Cultural Center Praça da Liberdade, 450 – Officials In Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: . [Google] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE Artists … Read more
