Photographer Christian Castanho launches vernissage QUANTUM in São Paulo

Photographer Christian Brown launches QUANTUM in São Paulo Exhibition vernissage will take place on the day 15 June in SCA Jd. Paulista Next day 15 of June (Monday), a partir the 18h, o fotógrafo Christian Castanho realiza o coquetel de lançamento da sua vernissage “Quantum” na loja SCA Jd. Paulista, in São Paulo. As obras do fotógrafo ficarão expostas e disponíveis paraRead more

Museum of sacred art of Paraty reopens its doors

BUT Art. Disclosure.

Installed in the Church of Santa Rita, instituição ganha nova exposição com o objetivo de dar mais visibilidade a seu acervo Com a missão de pesquisar, Save, expose and promote culturally the collection of sacred art belonging to religious brotherhoods in the city, the Museum of sacred art of Paraty (BUT), with the sponsorship of Petrobras, reabreRead more

Alliance Française presents exhibition of Pierre Verger about Rio de Janeiro

Aliança Francesa presents Pierre Verger's exhibition about Rio de Janeiro Curated by Milton Guran, show brings together photographs of the town in the years 40 and 50 In honor of 450 years of the city of Rio de Janeiro and celebrating 130 years of Alliance Française in Brazil will be inaugurated on Wednesday, 10, to … Read more

Expo Art Itapetininga 2015 by Edmundo Cavalcanti

More proof that when we want to promote art and artists everything is possible, just be free, commitment and dedication. This is the work that the artist and cultural producer Angela Oliveira and his competent team, also counting on the support of the experienced artist and also curator Maria dos Anjos Oliveira in the … Read more

Camila Lacerda invites to her Exhibition Folha de Rosto

Camila Lacerda invites for your cover sheet Exposure opening day 03/06 the State Public Library 7:0 pm Luiz de Bessa Paulo Campos art gallery Guimarães freedom square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: . [facebook] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . Ricardo Girundi Coordenador dasRead more

Casa da Cultura de Paraty honors José Kleber, one of the most emblematic artists of the city

Casa da Cultura de Paraty honors José Kleber, one of the most emblematic artists of the city Exhibition brings personal objects of the poet, that will also feature a Soiree and a showcase of films . Life! Como é boa pra gente viver Amo! Como é bom a gente amar aqui Na praça, on the pier, on the beach… Everything … Read more

Alliance Française receives adaptation of "A Passion in the Desert", by Balzac

Alliance Française receives adaptation of "A Passion in the Desert", de Balzac the monologue will be presented free of charge, in French, and is part of the commemorative programming of 130 years of the Alliance Francaise French Alliance presents on Wednesday, 27, às 19h30, Botafogo, and on Thursday, 28, in Tijuca, also at 7:30 pm, a adaptação do texto “UmaRead more

João Turin Exhibition at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Voted the Best art exhibition of 2014, João Turin show comes to the MNBA Exhibition “John Turin-Life, ArtWork, Art” will be featured in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in Rio de Janeiro from the day 28 de Mayo, will open, in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, in Rio de Janeiro, a exposição “JoãoRead more

Divine festival, in Paraty, Promotes Religious and Cultural Activities this weekend

FEAST OF THE DIVINE, IN PARATY, PROMOTES RELIGIOUS And Cultural ACTIVITIES THIS WEEKEND Masses, litanies, auctions, Raffles, BINGOs, drinks, comidas e danças típicas e shows musicais devem agitar a cidade Declarada Patrimônio Imaterial pelo IPHAN, the feast of the divine, in Paraty, is one of the most traditional and expected religious celebrations in the country. Realizada háRead more
