Dan Torres presents the Armory songs for soap operas

Dan Torres presents the Armory songs for soap operas the singer Dan Torres, known for his romantic songs and the songs recorded for novels, presents this Wednesday (5), at 9:30 pm, in the theater of the Armory. In the show, He played such hits as "Lucy in the sky with diamonds", opening theme of the novel "Empire", "Unchained melody", of … Read more

The atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the Jewish Museum of Berlin are matters of the session + Philos Globosat

The atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the Jewish Museum in Berlin are subjects of the Philos Session of +Globosat Saturday, 08 August, at 4:30 pm the session Philos next Saturday, day 8, brings to the audience a special documentary, After the week that marks the 70 years of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. “O dia emRead more

Alliance Française gallery Botafogo inaugurates exhibition on the feminine beauty and Urban Representation

Galeria Aliança Francesa Botafogo opens an Exhibition on Feminine Beauty and Urban Representation Vernissage: Tuesday, 04 August, at 7:30 pm Visitation: from 05 august to 06 October 2015 The exhibition “Urban Princesses” by photographer Raphaël Blum will open at the Galeria da Aliança Francesa in Botafogo on Tuesday, 04 August, às 19h30, … Read more

Cinémathèque de Curitiba presents shows of Ecuadorian films

Cinemateca de Curitiba apresenta mostra de filmes equatorianos A programação desta semana na Cinemateca de Curitiba será dedicada à exibição de filmes equatorianos. From 4 to 9 August, Cinema of Ecuador appears in two daily sessions, each with a different movie. Will be presented 12 full-length movies, realizados nos últimosRead more

Exhibition that retraces the history of the Cultural Foundation will open in American

The exhibition "Cultural Foundation in Poster-more than 40 Years of history "will open next Monday (3), at 3:30 pm, the Telecentre from citizenship of the American. The show, inaugurated in June 2014 In House Romário Martins, You are going through the circuit of regional, staying about a month in each location. Already been through … Read more

This Sunday's improvisation and dance in the House aulão Hoffmann

Next Sunday (2), the Casa Hoffmann-motion study center offers two free activities open to the public. From 11 am to 12:30 happens dance aulão "creating map: the body and investigative processes ", with choreographer Rosemeri Rock, and then, from 12h30 to 14h, o Improviso de Dança eRead more

SESC Pinheiros – display the edges of the seas by Rosangela Vig

The Margins of the Seas This characteristic of reinventing is part of the artist's spirit and has built the History of Art. And it's that look, always new, but so ephemeral and transient, the artist transforms and Immortalizes. Your hands are always eager to capture these codes and turn them into art and therefore, in memory. … Read more

Autism and Mozart in the session + Philos Globosat

Autism and Mozart on the + Globosat Philos Session Saturday, 01 August, às 16h30 Abrindo a programação de agosto, next Saturday's Philos Session (1) will present the documentary “Enigma do Autismo”, disorder that had an increase in 600% in his diagnosis in the last 20 years. “Barenboim Filarmônica de Berlim – Concerto para PianoRead more

SEA inaugurates the exhibition "Rossini Perez, between the Hill of health and Africa "

SEA inaugurates the exhibition "Rossini Perez, between the Hill and the Africa health "Of 28 from July to 25 October 1st floor of the Exhibition Hall Gallery talk: 28 July, at 11am The Rio Art Museum – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, presents Rossini Perez, between … Read more

Interview of the Artist Read on FM Youth Radio 95,5

Interview of the Artist Read on FM Youth Radio 95,5 Carreira e Projetos Futuros A artista plástica concedeu entrevista à rádio divulgando sua carreira e projetos futuros. Right now is participating in the first Cultural Institute Shows exodus and Imperial Award 2015 competing with the work of his Eruption Nebula explosion of Feelings. Essa sérieRead more