Gibiteca opens registration for comic-book course

Gibiteca opens enrollment for comics course Gibiteca de Curitiba opens this Tuesday (1º) Registration for the Comic Book Screenwriting Course, with screenwriter and editor Emílio Baraçal. The course takes place from 16 September to 16 of december and 10 of February to 3 August … Read more

II Biennial of Visual Arts

II Biennial of Visual Arts 01 to 31 October 2015 Juazeiro/Petrolina ______________________________________________________________ Curatorial Axes: 1. The backwoods abducted 2. Dilutions and endeusamentos (unknown and irraciocínio in the landscape) 3. Historic Core —————————————————————————————————————— Support: Center of culture Joao Gilberto-Juazeiro, UNIVASF, Home of the hinterland of Petrolina. Adenilda Argolo Ana Paula Maich Andressa Monique Antônio CarneiroRead more

CCBB Rio performs "viradão" the exhibition Picasso and the Spanish Modernity

CCBB Rio performs "viradão" the exhibition Picasso and the Spanish Modernity between 5 and 6 September, last weekend of the season, the show will remain open for 36 extended hours. The Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil (CCBBs Rio) vai promover um “viradão” no último fim de semana da temporada de Picasso eRead more

Candido Mendes University Launches Unprecedented Course for Professions of the future

Universidade Candido Mendes launches a unique course for those looking for professions of the future Extension Course on Creative Economy and Cities starts in September Keeping up with market trends, the Candido Mendes University (UCAM) launches, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC), um curso de extensão em Economia Criativa e Cidades. The … Read more

British Council promotes workshop on digital media at the Museum of art of Rio

British Council promotes workshop on digital media at Museu de Arte do Rio Activity will be aimed at professionals from museums and cultural institutions A specialist in digital media, Sea Dixon, ministrará um workshop gratuito para o setor de museus na Escola do Olhar, do Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, on 10 from … Read more

The Pope will have party in honor of the patroness of Poland

Pope's Grove will feast in honor of the patron saint of Poland The Polish Memorial will host on Sunday (30) Celebration in honor of Our Lady of Czestochowa. The programming starts at 11:0, with typical lunch and sale of products from the Polish community. A missa em louvor à padroeira da Polônia será àsRead more

Globe kiosk receives 13th edition will be in films of the International Festival of children's Cinema

Globo kiosk receives films that will be in the 13th edition of the International Children's Film Festival Screenings in Copacabana take place on 29 and 30 August In partnership with Globo and Globo Filmes, the International Children's Film Festival will take in advance to Quiosque da Globo, in Copacabana, in the days 29 and … Read more

Exhibition “Erotica – wishes translated”

Exhibition “Erotica – wishes translated” Sensuality and erotismos in art at the Gallery Villa Olivia, at Morro da Conceição The collective exhibition “Erotica, wishes translated”, Villa Olivia Gallery opens in 29 August, step by Rico universe of eroticism, covering categories which blend components such as love, I wish, attraction, sexuality, morality, religiosidade e outras sensaçõesRead more

Angela de Oliveira brings third edition of Tides and colors to Búzios/RJ by Edmundo Chandra

<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=/?_fb_noscript=1″ />I bring here a reproduction of the material that came out in Folha de Búzios, that talks about the friend and curator, Angela Oliveira. Exhibition brings together works by several Brazilian artists in a long season Between days 5 September 2015 and 3 January 2016, the Marés e Cores III exhibition takes place, … Read more

Attention Artists Rio de Janeiro: Art Battle Brazil Rio arrived!

Attention Artists Rio de Janeiro: Art Battle Brazil Rio arrived! ATTENTION RIO de JANEIRO !!! Is coming the ART BATTLE, where the artist receives an easel, a screen, brushes and paints of all colors, Acrylic, and has 20 MINUTES to paint a screen. Are 2 batteries of 8 artistas sendo um convidado daRead more
