Against the Municipal Plan of the book debate, Reading, Literature and libraries

Against the Municipal Plan of the book debate, Reading, Literature and libraries Happens next Monday (14) in the Palace of students the sectoral Conference on the Municipal Plan of the book, Reading, Literature and libraries (PMLLLB). Scheduled to happen from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, the meeting will bring together professionals and users of libraries, educators, students, booksellers, editors, writers, mediadores deRead more

Exhibition “Multiverse” Raymond Rodriguez in Rio

Exhibition “Multiverse” Raymond Rodriguez at Rio is playing up 10 October solo exhibition "Multiverse: nothing you haven't seen before "the artist Raymond Rodriguez. He is a born entrepreneur in the field of Visual Arts. As much as an artist as producer. O artista participa ainda de outras coletivas na cidade doRead more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro offers film workshop in French

Aliança Francesa of Rio de Janeiro offers a cinema studio in French Lessons will be held weekly in the Auditorium of the Aliança Francesa of Botafogo The Aliança Francesa of Rio de Janeiro offers, from September, French cinema classes open to the public. The course, with hours of 24 hours, will start the day … Read more

Free event on Panamericana – School performs the 1° arteScambo

Panamericana performs the 1° arteScambo A special Sunday, with exhibition and exchange of visual works, lectures, music and food trucks . Panamericana holds on 20 September, from 10pm, at the Greenland headquarters the 1st arteScambo, open and free event that welcomes visual artists and photographers, amateurs and professionals alike, so that they can … Read more

Efigênia Rashidi will be on Sundays at the fair of the poet

Efigênia Rashidi will be on Sundays at the fair of the poet in the next Sunday of September (days 13, 20 and 27), The Poet, in the Largo da Ordem, receives the multimedia artist Philomena Ramos Rashidi, that presents an installation with poetry and performance of the work "the great journey of Biopaz, Patrícios e Naifs rumo ao planetaRead more

Tanguá receives wellness activities promoted by Globe

Tanguá receives wellness activities promoted by Globe yoga classes, Tai chi chuan, dance and zumba in youth Square on the day 13 September, from 9am on the day 13 September, Sunday, residents of Tanguá will have the opportunity to relax with wellness activities offered by Globo na Praça … Read more

Sesc Pinheiros Receives "Chiharu Shiota-in search of destiny", First exhibition of Japanese artist in Latin America

SESC PINHEIROS RECEIVES “CHIHARU SHIOTA - IN SEARCH OF THE DESTINATION”, FIRST EXHIBITION BY JAPANESE ARTIST IN LATIN AMERICA Curated by Tereza de Arruda, exhibition developed in collaboration with the Brazilian public displays installations - built as large webs of letters, malas e sapatos – que evocam memórias e trajetórias De 12 September 2015 … Read more

The trash will be under discussion in the session + Philos Globosat

Garbage will be discussed at the Philos Session of +Globosat Saturday, 12 September, at 4:30 pm the session Philos next Saturday, day 12, will display in the channel + The award-winning documentary "Garbage globosat, a Global problem ". In the movie, o diretor Jeremy Irons viaja o mundo para mostrar lugares paradisíacos que foram tomados porRead more

Exhibition “Look for Fish” Gilberto Perelló

Exhibition “Look for Fish” Gilberto Perelló Of 12/08 to 09/09/2015 Tuesday to Sunday, from 14 às 18h Do giz às tintas transportadas para as telas O talento manifestado para o desenho e a pintura permeia a trajetória de Gilberto Perelló em sua vida no Brasil e no exterior, e chega à embocadura atual comRead more

Connection Rio launches free programming in parallel to ArtRio

Connection Rio launches free programming in parallel to ArtRio Of 11 to 13 September, the producer of events in Bhering – cradle of art on the waterfront of the river – will offer workshops, exhibition, musical performances, mesão comunitário e muito mais Para aproveitar e conquistar os visitantes da ArtRio, que é considerada um dosRead more