Ex-cartoonist's foil. Paulo will participate in chat at Sesc Sorocaba

The cartoonist João Spacca has already won the HQMIX O “Ilustradoria” trophy, monthly illustrators meeting promoted by Sesc Sorocaba, gets the day 26 November, farm, at 18h, in the living area, the cartoonist, Illustrator and author, João Spacca. Participation in the event is free and the indicative classification is for people from … Read more

"São Sebastião: a tribute of Italy for the Rio de Janeiro "

Enel Green Power brings Works by Italian Artists to the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro On the day 27 November, Enel Green Power will bring the works of Italian artists Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (1591-1666) – “San Sebastiano curato da Irene” – and Guido Reni (1575-1642) – “San Sebastiano” – on … Read more

With inauguration of the Shared Centre of Creation, Cultural area wins Innovative Space

Opening program includes a party with a show by the band #NãoRecomendados, exhibition and presentations of pieces with Georgette Fadel, Caco Ciocler and Areas Coletivo de Arte Located in Barra Funda, the SHARED CREATION CENTER (CCC) abre suas portas oficialmente no dia 25 November, on wednesday, with a schedule that brings theater, exhibition, show eRead more

Pinacoteca of the Associação Paulista de Medicina, Exhibition-catalog release by Rosangela Vig

Sonnet to Lasar Segall From inscrutable in what you paint As in a wide space of agonies Unmarkable paint music Burning in the lucidity of cold things: So pathetic you are, so sleepy Colors that my eyes mortify Between crusted greens and gray Rust in the prelude to metals. What secret covers the old patina Where … Read more

' 12 years of Slavery ' will be displayed at Sesc Sorocaba

The film won the Academy Award for best picture in 2014 The CineCafé displays the award-winning film "12 years of slavery" in the theatre of Sesc Sorocaba the day 24 November, third, at 19h. The event is part of the special programming commemorating the Day of black consciousness. To join the session, basta retirar os ingressos comRead more

Zumbi dos Palmares square receives the first Shows of African Culture

Within the Month of black consciousness and diversity, the Zumbi dos Palmares in American Square receives, This Saturday (21), the first Shows of African Culture. Among the attractions of the event that starts at 1:00 pm are presentations of groups of African culture, African dance class, jongo wheel and capoeira, exhibitions, torneio deRead more

Experience of maracatu is attraction at Sesc Sorocaba

Integrates event programming in celebration of the Day of black consciousness Sesc Sorocaba invites young people from 13 to 19 years for a chat about maracatu with Rafael Poujo, Member of the Mukumby group, on 21 November, Saturday, at 4:00 pm, in the living room of bodily practices, with free entry. To participate, basta se inscrever noRead more

Curitiba comic publisher launches new editions in gastronomic events

The Publisher will Quadrinhópole this Friday (20), at 19h, in Curitiba Gibiteca, the launch of their new publications "the Rook-Artbook" and "classics Revisited # 3". On occasion there will be a chat and autograph session with the authors. O volume “O Gralha” comemora os 18 anos desse super-herói curitibano. In 160 color pages, to … Read more

Sesc Sorocaba promotes customization objects workshop

Attendants can exercise creativity in two days of activities for free The graffiti artists and Visual Artists Will Fernandez and Michel Japs will be back to the Sesc Sorocaba during the days 21 and 22 November, saturday and sunday, the 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, for another edition of "customization of objects". To participate, … Read more
