Great Italian masters in concert by the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba

Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. Photo: Alice Rodrigues.

The Italian influence on Baroque sacred music will be presented by the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, on Friday (15) at 8:00 pm and on Saturday (16) às 18h30, in the chapel Santa Maria. The program entitled Italy Magna has as Regent the flutist Rodrigo Caveyra, and execution of works of composers Giovanni Giorgi, Giovanni Battista Cocciola, Hieronymus Praetorius e … Read more

Artistic installation combines graphics and digital sound effects

The artist Rodrigo Guinski follows with his research on analog and digital technology systems and features, starting next Thursday (14), in the Municipal Museum of art – Cultural Gate, the exhibition "Phasing Loops". In this generative audiovisual art exhibition, the artist gives the series sequence "Interface", exploring human/machine interaction systems. The installation … Read more

"Contemporary Brazilian Art: great investment option!"by Alexandre Romanini

Every crisis brings opportunities, says the popular Buzzword. With a retraction 3,8% in GDP and accumulated inflation of 10,67% in 2015, more complicated economic forecasts for 2016, some media vehicles ever prophesy that the worst economic crisis ever experienced by the country. In this scenario, There was also a substantial strengthening of the dollar, with … Read more

Exhibit Frida Kahlo reaches Brasília

FRIDA KAHLO-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOMEN SURREALISTS IN MEXICO CULTURAL BOX BRASILIA, 13 FROM APRIL TO 5 JUNE 2016. FREE ENTRY. No more to the Brasilia's monumental Cultural exhibition dedicated to the great Mexican artist * Paintings, drawings, collages and lithographs of Frida Kahlo and other works 14 artists born or based in Mexico *An immersion … Read more

Neba Gallery participates in the SP Arte 2016

For the fifth consecutive time, the Neba Gallery participates in the SP-Arte 2016. And this year's with an announcement that he intends to shake up the world of the arts: the first edition of multiple – the MultiplicArte. Aware of its role as disseminator of Culture, the Gallery has called for the release of this new project five of its artists: Biju, … Read more

Free Course: Baroque religious art in Latin America

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course with Prof.. Dr. Percival Tirapeli, who will speak on the topic “Baroque religious art in Latin America – Cathedrals and religious orders”. OBJETIVO Analisar a arte sacra barroca latino-americana por meio das catedrais das antigas e atuais capitais dos diversos países como RepúblicaRead more

Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro the Director of the Institute of international and strategic relations in Paris Pascal Boniface to present the Conference "Taliban of sport: What is the impact for a city which hosts an international event?”

The Alliance Française offers, in partnership with the Consulate of France and the Institut Français, a Conference of Pascal Boniface, on the impact of international events in major cities in the world. The meeting will be held on Monday, 11 April, às 19h30, in the Auditorium of the Alliance Française of Botafogo. Na contagem regressiva paraRead more

Interior Design – Small Formats-Cycle II

The Interior Design, aims to give evidence to the creations of visual artists with a travelling exhibition, programmed for the year 2016. The technical quality was much noted in the selection of artists, among the guests who usually take their work to the public through the Cia Culture Art. The exhibition brings together works in the format … Read more

BUT promotes free course: The food in art

The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “The food in art: Homer, Soso of Pergamo, Bruegel and Fellini”, with the Prof. Isabella Magellan Callia. The course aims to problematize the relational forms between man and food, tendo por suporte obras de arte ocidentais no arco deRead more