Display at the Tide mixes science and art

Unheard of in the community, the event aims to democratize science and make it more accessible to the general public Until 17 August, the Museum of the tide will receive the project Science and art in Tide, that will bring an exhibition of images produced by Brazilian scientists in their laboratories, que ilustram desde partes microscópicas de insetos e do corpoRead more

Muma receives the multimedia exhibition "Water", from Marco Giacomelli

The multimedia artist Marco Giacomelli returns to Curitiba to shows their new creations on display “About Waters”, a multifaceted experience of relationship with water as a dynamic force of life. For the artist, "this is the metaphor for the universe and its incomparable neutrality on matters of pleasure and pain, of life and death ". … Read more

Macunaíma, works of Monteiro Lobato and the first dictionary of the Portuguese language will be auctioned in São Paulo

The very rare first edition of Macunaíma, the most important novel of the Brazilian modernism and the construction of national identity, with the dedication of the author, Mario de Andrade, will be displayed until 27 June and will be auctioned in days 28, 29 and 30 the same month, in São Paulo, by Dutra Auctions, traditional house specializing in … Read more

Santa Maria Chapel is illuminated to encourage blood donation

The city of Curitiba, through the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC), participates once again in the Junho Vermelho campaign, organized by the I Give Blood Movement for Brazil. The goal of the action is to encourage blood donation and make this place a habit in life of the population, … Read more

Exhibition "DRAWINGS of scene # 1", at Sesc Pinheiros, brings parallel programming courses and Lecture with Vera Hamburger

Art Director and scenic Designer, teaches the "Interdisciplinary Laboratory Permeable Borders", which contains in this edition two course modules and a lecture 14 June to July 1st Running until 10 July at Sesc Pinheiros, a exposição Desenhos de Cena #1 leads to the public 16 obras de artistas nacionais e internacionaisRead more

Black New Gallery of contemporary art exhibition Opens ARTISTIC PENSION

The artistic residence Opening day 11 of June, at 15h Works by Dani Soter, Daniela Dacorso, Fábio Carvalho and Heberth Sobral and curatorship Marco Antonio Teobaldo Free Entrance The Pretos Novos Gallery of Contemporary Art opens Saturday, day 11 of June, at 3pm the exhibition Pensão Artística presenting the result of the artistic residency project … Read more

“How about an upgrade?” by Giovani de Arruda Campos

We live a time point in society and in organizations. The digital age lives his early days, although, in a little more than 20 years of existence, great innovations have enabled greater accessibility to information, the products and services. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Uber, Free Market, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Join searchers, social networks, applications, Exchange of goods, … Read more

MAR performs weekly "You would like to participate in an artistic experience?”

1 to 3 June the School look at the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, promotes a series of meetings with the participation of artists and educators between the 1st and 3 of June. The seminar "Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?” vai discutir o projetoRead more

Free Course: Shroud of Turin: Between the Holy, the art and science

The sacred art museum promotes a free course with Prof.. Dr. Jack Barrios on the topic “Shroud of Turin: Between The Holy, the art and science”. OBJECTIVE: The goal of the course is to present the Holy Shroud of Turin not just as a mere object of religious nature, a "mere" relic, but how … Read more

The mob invades Curitiba on Teix Gallery

Teix Gallery receives exposure ' Saints ' street, that portrays the most famous characters - real and fictional - from the history of organized crime in the line of artist Douglas Xamã Curitiba will be invaded by gangsters this month. Of Lucky Luciano, the father of the crime in New York, the Virgil Sollozzo – the "Turkish", one of the … Read more
