New home, new projects, a lot of innovation!

Carminha Macedo Newly opened Art Gallery at Ponteio Lar Shopping brings news to the public and opens an exhibition with Jorge dos Anjos and João Diniz this Saturday, 18/2. A contemporary woman, that delights everyone to your surroundings with intelligence, knowledge, gentleness and generosity. Their link with the art started around twenty years, … Read more

Book portrays the pains and joys of nostalgia

Who was never the reflective remember and miss you from the past? É sobre isso que o autor paraibano Jairo Cézar aborda em “O Peso das Gotas”. The book, It was winner of the prêmio José Américo de Literature, is divided into 5 parts, and brings the reader to the pains and joys of nostalgia, contendo referências literáriasRead more

Course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel

THE NAR – Arts core, Conservation and restoration, em parceria com o Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, promotes a course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel. Classes will begin on the day 04 March, being practical classes on Saturdays and Sundays lectures. Serão realizadas no primeiro finalRead more

Levi Mackin Art Gallery, in the Leblon Design River, receives exposure “Victorian Findings” red plastic artist

Recognized for creating worlds in his works, o artista se apresenta pela primeira vez na galeria carioca Dando início a programação cultural deste ano, on the next day 15 February, on wednesday, from 18 hours, the newly opened Levi Mackin Art River, located at shopping Rio Design Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, recebe convidados paraRead more

Brazilian artist paints pregnant belly frame of Bella Falconi

Bella Falconi has shaped your tummy 9 months of pregnancy one day before giving birth to little Victoria. The belly was guarded by a year and two months before Ricardo Rocha decided to make a resin finish to prevent the plaster crack. Então surgiu a ideia de fazer da barrigona umaRead more

Design – Study of the Form, Step by step 15 of how to draw by Rosângela Vig

My green light risks, Paths within me, Green Sea Road, Wide open without end. (…) I'm running. I'm dancing, Weaving tape my Dick. Seeds go sowing In the fields of fantasy. I'm turning. I'm singing, And don't call me Maria. (CORALINA, 2004, p. 216) Step by step 15 how to draw the shape … Read more

Free course Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Christianity under construction: Worship and architecture”, with Professor. Dr. Jack Barnett. The goal of the course is to present the relationship between worship and architecture within the Christianity and, in a special way, as this relationship has settled over the centuries. … Read more

Exhibition “Accessibility – In addition to the Physical Spaces "by Rosangela Vig

The exhibition “Accessibility – In addition to the Physical Spaces ", produced by the Embassy of Sweden in Brazil and by the Swedish Institute (SI), was opened in 2016 by the Minister of children, Elderly and gender equality of Sweden, Mrs. Asa Regnér, during the Paralimpíadas, in the library in Rio de Janeiro State Park. With the support of Federal Deputy Mara Gabrilli, to … Read more

Atelier Gallery opens Secret architecture

Exhibition 24 pictures of Monica Barki – Curator Frederick Dalton Opening day 10 February 2017, at 7 pm Free admission The secret is here. Supposedly revealed. Why not admit that architecture mentioned in the title of this exhibition can also be the architecture of this gallery? The Workshop starts the year 2017 … Read more

Design – Artistic Production, Step by step 14 of how to draw by Rosângela Vig

Boats on green paper Try to forget me… Remember is how to Evoke a ghost… Let me be what I am, What I've always been, a river that goes flowing… In vain, in my banks will sing the hours, Recamarei me of stars like a Royal robe, I embroider of clouds and wings, Sometimes they will come to me … Read more
