Government of São Paulo promotes New Sea Issue – Museum of Street Art

About of 30 new works of urban art, signed by artists such as Mundane, services on arrival, Simone Siss, Raquel Brust and The Tupys, ocupam a cidade em todas as macrorregiões de São Paulo A Prefeitura de São Paulo lança em dezembro a nova edição do Museu de Arte de Rua (MAR), uma parceria entre as Secretarias MunicipaisRead more

On-site course-Inhotim: brazilian contemporary art

The goal of the course is to present a study on the spot on brazilian contemporary art, from visitation to the Inhotim, located in Brumadinho (MG), to 60 km from Belo Horizonte. Considered one of the most important collections of contemporary art from Brazil and the largest outdoor art of Latin America, … Read more

Baptist College Miner performs exhibition "perspectives on war and peace" (30/9 and 1/10)

Sad milestone in the history of mankind, World War II is a milestone considering its consequences in all areas of knowledge to our days. Because of this issues on this subject are recurrent and essential in institutions of the universe school, like the ENEM. With this focus, o Colégio Batista MineiroRead more

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day by Corina Cristina Carneiro Mendes

Brushstrokes Day-to-Day by Corina Cristina Mendes Carneiro School of Fine Arts – UFRJ – Engraving Class – 2º sem/1974 – Prof.Adir Botelho happened to me, in the last period of Arts, at Engraving class, were all we drawing our jobs and paying attention to technique Engraving, when a colleague arrived and found, with all the letters that I was with her ​​straw, and … Read more