Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century details the discovery process of the largest collection of cave paintings in the world

Book "Serra da Capivara: The Surprise of the Century, The Story of a Park" by Edna Bugni, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Product of years of research by writer Edna Bugni, the book Serra da Capivara: the surprise of the century, the story of a park addresses the discoveries of the largest open-air collection of cave paintings in the world. From the first photograph analyzed by the São Paulo archaeologist of French origin Niéde Guidon, in 1963, until the creation of … Read more

Support Serra da Capivara National Park

NATIONAL PARK SAW THE CAPIVARA four decades ago, archaeologists discovered, the southeast of Piauí, a heritage that, until today, was not fully discovered. Each year, the researchs, since 1992 are non-stop, enable the discovery of new archaeological places, new species of animals, of plants and geological monuments of great beauty. Initially funded … Read more